Hello For Everyone ,
I Really Don't know people who wrote something on this Community Forum and if it's ok for everyone i just would like to add my opinions about some interesting things which may add new Fallout game makes this game more Fun . First Off all when i was a kid like 7 years old First Fallout game appear and this was my first experience by using PC as a entertaining device and when i first played this game , I really amazed of it's story it's complexity and it's dialogs which adds soo many new words into my english , i really liked this game and i even remember my first time to assembling my Power armour and the excitment that i get when i achived it
, This game was soo cool these days and even now in my opinion it still keeps it's awesomeness anyway when they add something to their new game and Fallout 2 comes i was shocked and said to myself that waow they really improved soo much new faction which is against of Brother Of The Steel we called this nemesis as a Enclave and soo many interesthing and soo many complexity of this game offers us make me amazed , I really liked that game and it effects me soo much that if in another world after i die if there is a opportunity to create your world in the heaven i really would like to try to live in Wasteland =) Cause this game is still keeps it's perfection and in my opinion it's still the BEST Role Playing Game ever Made ..
Anyway when there were some complications these days and some rumours about Fallout 3 we waited soo much and after soo much waiting Thanks To The BETHESDA they bought the rights of Fallout Games and they made the 3 rd game of Fallout . At first they changed it's playing style instead of doing things with old games they try to make this game as a 3rd and also can be playable as First Person mode they make it in 3D . My first reaction was waow they really add something to this game but while i playing this game in my opinion i really feel that there are some empty parts of this game soo much and it feels me sad soo much .. Cause i really expect from developers soo much instead of not progressing i really want that keeping up and adding new features to this game which could make this game more Awesome . And now guys you doing the 4 th part of this game and i know that you guys adding something to this game as well .
If you guys reading this thing or not i really want you to read and think about what now i'm going to say about that Did you guys ever thinking about some features that used in fallout 1 and 2 like in fallout 2 like Using a Working Car in game ? or some Box Fightes which you play as a boxer as a minor misson like that and you get money when you win rounds and also you get title if you become champion and something like these things might this game more interesting also you didn't use any Boss fight in Fallout 3 as far as i remember in Fallout 2 there was Frank Horrigan maybe guys you should consider to adding something like that
also in Fallout 3 the Tranqualizing thing and in New Vegas Mr House Real Appereance thing i really like that things i hope guys you will add such misterious and awesome thing in Fallout 4 and my last reccomendation could be that did you guys ever think that a scenario like going Back in time in Fallout 4 like going Back to the Fallout 1 or 2 or 3 ? Sorry About Long Post But I Really Like this game soo much i don't know what others think about that but this game changed my life and Fallout Games is the BEST GAME EVER CREATED !