Just wanted to say to the Crytek team, in case they read this, that I really enjoyed the single player campaign. While it may be a lot stricter and "straighter" than in Crysis 1 (read: the areas aren't as expansive), the core experience of taking on every encounter the way I felt like remained the same, and that's a great thing.
I never got tired of neck-snapping CELL while sneaking around with invisiblity on, nor of ripping a HMG out of its nest and walking down the street like a bipedal tank.
I enjoyed the greater variation in available weapons, and switching scopes and modes to suit the situation (even if I miss my laser-sighted sniper scope shotgun).
I was pleased to see that fighting the Ceph wasn't even half as dull as it thought it would be (this is a compliment; I feared that they would be similar to Pre-Warhead aliens). The squirt of jelly that acompanies a successful headshot was very pleasing.
I was also thrilled to see that you stayed with (and improved, in my opinion) the "body immersion" in cutscenes (and gameplay in general); just seeing your legs move about as you do is a big plus in any game to me.
This feels like it's getting long-winded, so I'll sum it up:
- Very nice single player.
- A worthy successor to one of my favourite games in my eyes.
- The game ran perfectly for me at 60 FPS constant, only a single random crash about half-way in, which was close to a checkpoint anyway.
- Would love to see the return of mid-level saving though, unpleasant to replay a larger section due to a last-minute screwup
- Will definitely try the multiplayer once the login system starts accepting me
Keep up the good work, I'll get back to you about Crysis 3 in due time. ; )
(Bought the Nano Edition for PC by the way, love the figurine)