When I first viewed the trailer I was pretty dismayed afterwards. Like you, I've several 100's of hours played in the last two BGS fallout titles, and this trailer was like i was looking at a remake/remaster of them. The Inkspots intro music was so similar to the "World on Fire" piece that the deja vu sense hit almost immediately. We've got the Megaton rust metal community in "Diamond City", the Bunker Hill Obelisk subbing in for the Washington Monument. We see a re-skinned Mire Lurk shambling along a river bank right under a freeway overpass, just like we'd see in the previous games. Then there's the power line towers with shacks in their bases, and super mutants and death claws roaming about nearby. Seeing imagery and scenarios I'd already seen countless times before, even if it does have some subdued graphic enhancements is kinda boring. Add to this the whole feeling of being a Vault 111 refugee... and well, been there done that, no? Yes, we have a 18th century frigate outfitted with rocket thrusters, which would shatter the structure once fired in real world physics. We've also an armor plated dirigible, looking like it was lifted from Blade Runner.
However. looking at ithe trailer after a 10 hour break, I do appreciate the graphics more now, there is quite a bit of detail used, and I do get the sense that the game world itself will probably be a lot more varied than what we've see here. Dismay has turned to cautious optimism, but a lot is going to depend on where this game takes you, and how engrossing the characters and story lines are.... Hoping the E3 conference gets my enthusiasm back to what I felt after seeing the F3 trailer....