Thoughts and questions on the Magna-Ge

Post » Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:57 am

I recently read about, showing a fascinating glimpse into their pigmented culture. So I got to thinking about the iridescent peoples of the realms of C, M, K, and the Y blur and their untold histories that may be.

  1. First, on the biology of the Magna-Ge, is it known whether they have ink or toner astrophysiology?
  2. For trade and communications, would the Magna-Ge have their seaports and outposts in parallel, or have they developed more universally serial buslanes of space-untime commerce?
  3. This question isn't directly about the Magna-Ge but has closely related implications: could the Firmament be subject to jamming? Despite its name, a lot of sources imply its not quite as "firm" as the name would suggest, so I thought I'd ask.
  4. The pantheon mentions an event known as "the Breaking." Perhaps I'm wrong, but that must surely be alluding to when Lorkhan created the mortal plane (or a very similar mythic event). If so, then given the true implications of the nature of Magna-Ge, could Dunno, but that does seem an awful lot like a metacultural interpretation of Auriel, Triminac, and some other guy punishing Lorkhan. I could be way off base of course.
  5. Final ponderance, and this is mostly theoretical, but could there have been a shadow world or Adjacent Place of the Magna-Ge where instead of subtractive beings of pigment there were additive beings of emission? Likewise, said metaspace would have, hypothetically, the realms of R, G, B, and the alpha channels of A with similar events as those documented in the Magna-Ge pantheon.

This is all mostly just something to think about, as I doubt many mortals or daedra could know the full extent of the myriad wonders Above.

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