Her stats are as follows
SPECIAL = 3557776
Four eyes and small frame
Skills at level 2 are as follows guns, barter and speech. i will not be able to pick another trait to tag until i can tag one or the original 3 are at 100 before i can move on to another stat. As far as weapons go i chose to rely on the Assault Carbine in 5mm and from HH the m1911 .45acp. Both of these weapons are low strength requirements with AC needing the 3 strength.
I have added some mods. I have one that turns the school house into a player home with crafting benches and plenty of storage. i also found a mod for the AC that adds extended clips (20 to 30 round cap), a scope like for the trail carbine, and a suppressor to go with the suppressor mod from HH for the .45. That does not sound all that difficult until you realize that the only weapons i can use the entire game are those two, no blades, no bombs nothing but those 2 weapons. I also have a self nerf rule where i can not just pick up anything to sell i can only pick up what i can craft or repair with, and i can only sell what i make. When i first made this a self nerf rule i was a bit tricky but by now i know that once i get to the survival skill high enough i just farm bighorners and geckos slapem on a stove in my player house make steaks and sell them for a tidy proffit.
This character as i will RP it is from Goodsprings originally born and raised there, hence the schoolhouse player home mod, and she will be my second queen (independant New Vegas with an eliminated Mr. House).
I intend to do all the DLCs first which wil require some extensive console usage so i have not decided which is the best course of action to either console command , "tmm 1" show all map markers for the dlcs then fast travel to them and once they are completed "tmm 0" once i have returned to Goodsprings and start the main game or just "move player to xxxxx" as i am not sure how it works with an unknown map marker or just walk there but the idea is to go into the DLCs cherry or as cherry as possible. I will do all the DLCs first then do the main story, and yes i know Dead Money is going to be a brutal [censored] with a low level support class character but i have been resting on my laurels for the last 6 characters, and in inner masochist has woken up. I will probably do Honest Hearts first followed by Old World Blues as i am somewhat excited having not seen OWB yet, and that some of the OWB upgrades may be necesary or if nothing else come in handy for Dead Money which imho is the probably one of the most difficult of the DLCs i have seen so far. With a few levels from the DLCs it should make the rest of the game a bit more difficult as everyting scales with the player, so Powder Gangers in the beginning may not be so easy if the player is level 15 or 20 even with a few DLC bonuses like weapons and such as opposed to under 10. It should be interesting in any case.
So if any of you guys have suggestions to make the game more realistic, difficult, further limitations i may have not mentioned, any self nerfs, and even some mods would all be appreciated i am looking for a thurough play intending to do as much as i can before i wind down with the main quest. I am looking for a dooable yet tricky experience where i will have to do some stuff completely different than the normal strapped to the hood leading with your face picking bugs from your teeth balls to the wall run and gun or slash and dash approach that has tipifyied my previous 6 plays.