I'm thinking of creating a RP char who will not beat the MQ or any of the Guild questlines or any other quest that requires fighting. My thinking is: Who in their right mind, really, would repeatedly, repeatedly risk their life, especially in this hostile world?

So, instead, I'm thinking of creating a char who is just your average citizen trying to get rich and have a good life. He comes from poverty and ended up getting thrown in jail because he was reduced to stealing because he couldn't afford life in the IC. However, fate intervened and the experience moved him to live a good life and avoid stealing -- he's determined to get by, but that will mean leaving the IC. He's decided to devote himself to being a travelling merchant, as he's heard that, that can be a good way to make money. His goal is to build wealth and eventually be able to afford a good house and provide a better life for his future family. He plans to deliver the amulet to Jauffre, paying off his debt for getting out of jail, but then will look to avoid combat and get down to trying to build a life for himself. He doesn't care about efficient levelling. He just wants to level up personality/speed/? each level as much as he can without worrying about it.
Race: Imperial
Specialization: Stealth
Attributes: Speed/Personality
BIrthsign: Steed
Class: Travelling Merchant
Major Skills:
Mercantile -- obvious, core skill
Speechcraft -- for bartering better deals and getting his name out there by knowing people and having them know him
Illusion -- for charm spells to support speechcraft
Alchemy -- for buying/selling food/drink and making/selling potions and ingredients
Armorer -- (in theory) for selling repair services and making/selling weapons and armor
Alteration -- for feather to carry more inventory
Destruction -- for self-defense while on the road and for enchanting items for sale
Restoration -- for buffs (e.g., speed to run away, strength to carry more) and for enchanting items for sale
1) Thou shalt not murder (DB is out)
2) Thou shalt not steal (TG is out)
3) Thou shalt not intentionally jeopardize your life (FG, MG, MQ, many other quests are likely out, at least until later)
1) Best option for making money is finding ingredients, making and selling potions and any other loot he can legally get his hands on for free/cheap
2) Killing animals for their pelts may also be a safe option
3) If the opportunity presents itself (e.g., support from guards) to kill and/or loot bandits, take their stuff and sell it
4) Eventually, if mercantile gets high enough, buy low goods in one city and sell high in another at a profit
5) Eventually, if he works himself into a position of strength (e.g., through the acquisition of great gear), it may be possible to complete some quests and/or dungeon-diving (e.g., to complete MG recommendations to get access to enchanting goods), as long as they can be done at minimal risk of dying
6) Buy a house, so he is not homeless; eventually, be able to afford better and better houses, to provide a better and better life for his future wife and family (doesn't marry yet because he sees himself as a terrible provider at the moment)
1) Purchased and fully furnished the $125,000 gold house in Skingrad
2) Falls in love with a woman and asks her to marry (she has to say yes)
I was also thinking of maybe switching race to Khajit and having him be in jail due to racism and living in poverty (which might be more plausible than an Imperial). Also, allowing him to steal at first due to a life of poverty and for additional income early on and raising mercantile through theft. However, Khajits don't get many initial benefits to the above major skills -- but that might fit with the down-and-out, living-in-poverty, struggling to improve theme...