This is basically an essay on how close combat works in real-life (but always with the game in mind), and how you can turn this into an intuitive combat system with as few compromises as possible.
This is heavily rooted in the character system of The Elder Scrolls, with its attributes and skills. One of the reasons to write this is to describe the different effects that attributes, character skills and player skills should have in the combat system of an RPG. Of course, my views might differ from those of other people, but I try to write this based on my own perception of the most logical way of implementing these different stats.
The different Armor skills are completely disregarded, because personally, I don't think they make any sense. However, a system where Armor skills determine your effectiveness with a type of armor is not excluded by what I'm writing here at all (I just think it should be done differently, but whatever).
Somewhere along the way, I switched from second person to third person plural. I hope you forgive me for not changing this now, the text is just too long.

First, let's begin with the very basics of combat:
What can you do in combat?
- You can shield yourself against an attack
- You can parry an attack
- You can dodge an attack
- You can run away from an attack
- You can take cover
- You can attack your opponent(s)
Which factors affect these actions?
- Your character's skills
- Your character's attributes
- Your character's equipment
- Your own skills at playing
Now in my opinion, your character's skills should all influence how well you can do the combat actions mentioned above. Your player skills, on the other hand, should cover which of these actions you do at which moment in the combat. Your character's attributes and equipment should act as certain limits to what is possible.
Let's look at blocking an attack in some way. Of course, you need to decide when to block. Then the first thing that happens is that your Agility affects if you are fast enough to fully block the attack, or if it partly gets behind your block - this affects how much damage gets through directly, and how much needs to get through your blocking attempt first. Your character's skill at blocking then reduces the amount of damage dealt by the blocked part of the attack and determines the block's effect on your fatigue (which is based on several attributes and affects your character's skill). Even raising the sword/shield to block is tiring already.
If you don't block at all or if the attack partly gets behind your block, your armor affects the damage dealt.
For dodging, this is the very same chain of events, except that the "block" in this case fully removes any damage that did not get through - meaning that the only damage left is that for which you were not fast enough. The skill therefore affects solely your possibility to get away from the attack (for example, bending waaaaay out of reach instead of just bending slightly!). Of course, getting back to your opponent is part of the dodging skill as well (I imagine it as a way of avoiding damage while still keeping close to your opponent).
For the sake of completion, running away only involves your Athletics (loss of fatigue from running away) and your Agility and Speed. It is less attractive in close combat, because you can't make a good counter-attack, but for archers and fighters with long reach (two-handed weapons) it might be more attractive than dodging and blocking.
Taking cover is the same as running away - all that matters is if the weapon or projectile reaches you or not.
What exactly do the different skills do here, and how could it be implemented? It is only natural that dodging, using a shield and parrying with a weapon are very different things, and should therefore be covered by different skills.
Dodging could either be handled by Acrobatics, or replace the system that was used for the Unarmored skill in Morrowind. Either way, the button used for jumping could very well be used for dodging as well, since there's not much use for jumping during combat anyway. And if you do want to jump to safety, the key which will be used to trigger strong blows (see further below) could be pressed simultaneously. (This is very much like Assassin's Creed handles it, and I found it very intuitive.)
Parrying and using a shield could be done very similar to Oblivion - if you have a shield, you use it when pressing the Block key, otherwise you will parry with your weapon. I don't see any reason why that should be changed. The Block skill would govern both actions.
Attacking the opponent
The last action we need to cover is your own attack. Now this is much more complicated, because it involves two decisions:
- Which part of the opponent do I attack?
- How much strength do I put into the attack?
To answer these questions, we must be sure of our intentions, and if I'm not mistaken there are four possible intentions: Dealing damage, tiring out our opponent, disarming him or causing him to drop his guard.
- If we want to deal damage, the strength of our attack determines where we can hit our opponent to deal as much damage as possible. Where he has less protection, a weak blow might be just as effective as a strong one (it doesn't matter how strong you chop off his arm!), but maybe one of the better protected parts is more vulnerable, so that a strong blow to that part might deal much more damage than a blow of whatsoever strength to the unprotected part; a weak blow will have not nearly as much effect as it would have on the unprotected part, however. The whole assumption here is that a strong blow can overcome the protection completely, while a weak blow might not (depending on the character's Strength).
- If we want to tire out our opponent, it is because his guard is too good, and he keeps parrying our attacks or shields himself. We must therefore find a way to exhaust him, so that his blocking gets less effective. We can only do that if we have enough fatigue ourselves, and it mostly involves being quick and never resting; weak blows are therefore better suited than strong ones, especially since a blocked strong blow might cause us to recoil and give the opponent an advantage.
- If we want to disarm him (or cause him to drop his shield), we need to focus on his arms, but other than that it is very similar to dealing damage - with an additional rule: Strong blows will more likely be effective, but with a high skill weak blows might be sufficient. Protection does not affect the outcome for this.
- If we want the opponent to drop his guard, it basically means that we hit him so hard that he recoils or falls down. Weak blows might be sufficient if the attribute Strength is high enough or, if we aim for body parts where a good sword move might do the trick (arms and legs), if our character's skill is high enough.
If I didn't forget anything essential, then I think that we have covered all possible actions for our attack. We can finally determine how player skill and character skill should act together in this case. However, this is a field where many different games offer many different solutions. My proposed solution will be one that keeps player skill out of it as far as possible; this might be a subject to discussion.
In my opinion, we can see from the summary above that the strength of the blow determines everything that follows; by choosing the strength of our attack, we choose what options our character has. Therefore I think that this something that needs to be in the player's hands - we can't let the character decide this because then we would have no influence at all. If the character chose by himself to use the strong attack because a weak attack wouldn't deal enough damage, it might have a negative effect and it might be contradictory to the player's intention, who might have only wanted to exhaust his enemy with the blow, not actually deal a lot of damage.
But we also see that the decision which body part we attack must be in the player's hands, not in the character's. Same reason - it is crucial to our personal strategy, which can't be fathomed by the game.
This leaves us with a very simple solution to the attacking part of combat: We need to be able to choose the strength of our blow and the body part where it is supposed to hit. The former we can do with a certain key (also used as a trigger between jumping and dodging, see above), the latter with the cross-hair.
Tiring out the opponent, staggering or disarming him are all positive side-effects to these two decisions (body part and strength decision), so there is no need to exclude these possibilities from a normal damage attack (i.e. we don't need to put these into the player's control - although they could be limited to certain combo moves, but that's a different topic). If the player thinks the character is strong enough to get through any of the opponent's protection and/or to get those side-effects without using a strong blow, he can completely forget about that option; if the character is NOT strong enough for that, then the question is whether the player prefers a light combat style that aims at tiring out his opponent and causing damage where there is no sufficient protection, or if he wants to (occasionally) use strong blows to also deal damage at more protected areas and increase his chances of disarming and/or staggering his opponent.
Where is the character's weapon skill in all this? Basically, it affects everything except the total possible damage. It does affect how much of that total damage gets through, however: The character's skill directly determines whether you hit your opponent at all, and if you get a good swing at him or if you (for example) hold your sword too loosely and don't deal as much damage as the chosen area, your sword's sharpness, your opponent's defense actions and your strength would allow. To make this clear, if an opponent is standing completely still, the chance of really missing him should be very low (for central parts such as the torso, practically zero), and also the chance of doing less damage than possible because you don't have a good grip on your weapon should be rather low. I simply think that the skill should somehow play a role in this, but it's a rather small one.
The biggest effect the character's weapon skill should have is the circumvention of the opponent's defenses. The higher your character's skill, the less likely it should be that the opponent can simply dodge your attack or parry it, since learning how to fight with a weapon is mostly exactly that: learning to forsee the opponent's actions and acting correspondingly.
- Factors that determine the total possible damage:
Our character's Strength, the strength of the blow (weak or strong), the Damage stat of our weapon.
- Factors that keep the damage dealt from being the total possible damage:
The maximum damage value for this specific body part (for example, you could never deal more damage than 10% of the opponent's full health when attacking the arm). Our Fatigue. A small chance of (partial) failure based on our Weapon skill. The percentage of successful dodging or blocking done by the opponent. In case of blocking, the remaining percentage are further reduced by his actual Block skill. Non-blocked part of blow gets calculated against protection of original target, blocked part of blow against protection of shielded arm, now also affecting that body part.
- Factors that influence percentage of successful dodging:
Dodging skill affects maximum reach of dodge, Agility how fast you get there. Attacking person's Agility affects how fast he can react to your move (with penalty, since he has to observe first), his Weapon skill and his weapon's speed affect if/how much he can prevent the dodging of his opponent.
- Factors that influence percentage of successful blocking:
Attacking person's Agility and his weapon's speed determine how much time there is for a block, blocking person's Agility determines how fast he can raise his arm (if he is not already blocking).
Combat gameplay would come down to four keys: Attacking, Blocking, Dodging and Strong Blow. The Strong Blow key would be held while attacking in order to make a strong blow, if it is held down while dodging, you jump (as you usually do with the dodging key when out of combat). Holding the Dodge Key will keep you in focus with the opponent your facing so that after dodging you can attack him right away again, holding the Dodge Key AND pressing a direction button will turn you to another enemy or simply turn you around so that you can start running away right after dodging.
Did I make a mistake? Did I forget anything? Is anything unclear? Any comments on these thoughts?