So I've been playing for large amounts of time for a while now and I've realized something, I will probably never use power armor.
So I started the game on survival difficulty and it was a survival to be sure but I never accumulated enough fusion cores to use my power armor to help me with all those difficult starting quest as there just aren't enough available to maintain mediocore usage.
Now I'm pretty late in game level 50 and find that I finally have enough cores to use the armor...but why would I?
It's pretty late in the game and I have a lot of perks and skills and honestly I can one shot any level 50 enemy even on survival even the legendary ones. So I ask why do I want to wear power armor now? The time I needed it the most it was highly unavailable.
I love power armor in every single one of the fallout games I love getting it love the feel of it even in fallout 4.
I'm a little scattered so to sum up all my thoughts by the time you can use power armor its useless, why have fusion cores as power and ammo? Why not just make it costly to repair and that's it. This would ensure people use all the armor and have power armor available between 20 to 40 when its needed the most because after
Also forgot to mention having a perk which makes them last longer which pretty much requires you make your self weak at start game to have enough perks and points to extend the usage of the cores
Also as mentioned I don't want to have to run back and get my power armor by then its too late I've already delt with the conflict, death should not be how we determine which situations need armor.
What do you all think?