My thoughts on Fallout 4 regarding plot issues and story

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:09 pm

This is my first Fallout game, so far i am enjoying it but I wanted to voice my thoughts as I find some things are a little ridiculous... I have not made it to Diamond City so I am only discussing what I have experienced so far regarding the story/plot and quests...

***Possible Early Game Spoiler throughout***

First the elephant in the room needs to be addressed. Here is a parent that wakes up from cryogenic stasis knowing their child was taken and realizing a few moments later that 200+ years has passed. Now I understand a character with a low intelligence not realizing this but why is the character not realizing that maybe they should go back to hack the terminals at the vault and find out timelines for when the cryogenic stasis was interrupted... I'm sure tech wise it would be in there somewhere. I know it's not in the game designed but logically 200+ years have passed and at some point after the being frozen the child was taken and you are refrozen to then come out some unknown time there after... I haven't bothered with the main quest line much because I spoiled the actual result for myself reading about factions before getting the game to familiarize myself with the existing factions. As such I'm taking the intellectual (also pessimistic) approach and realizing there is a good chance my child has lived a full life and may already be dead (I know not the case) and avoiding all references where the character refers to their son as a child or baby. I mean Bethesda really screwed up that plot hole big time for a game in which the character can be smart enough to modify hi tech weapons but can't discern moments after being unfrozen that timelines need to be researched. Even if they chose not to indicate timelines in their scientific research vault which wouldn't make sense, the character should realize there is a possibility that the people that took Shawn didn't name him Shawn either and that he may just be fully unaware that he was anyone else's child and that the entire reason for starting the main plot line is just a hopeless pursuit... But hey I'm being pessimistic and i guess the character chooses to be overly optimistic and ignore the facts...

Story wise that is the main flaw I have seen so far, but I also dislike the choice for different solutions for different quests... I mean what's the point in Charisma if I can't solve everything with words as an option. In addition the quest at the Quarry early on where you hack a terminal and find out that someone named Sully is looking to use the site for robbing people yet two seconds later talks to Sully Mathis and just ignores the computer entry... I noticed having to pass a Charisma check there that I failed but why do I need a check and for him to confess since his entry already exposed him. I should have had an option to bring that up immediately and then possibly help and gain favor with the Raiders or not help and get attacked. In addition if discovered after I should be able to confront him about it after helping and then choose to align with him or he attacks me. I did just help him and he could have just shot me in the back of the head as I was leaving if his intent was to attack me regardless of the outcome. That doesn't happen so clearly there should be an option to align with him as well.

I could see this game being much more expansive and don't get me wrong, I love the game so far, but I feel the Bethesda should setup a faction system where if you work with a particular faction you could become a part of it, regardless of the faction, even the raiders... Why must I be a good guy? Why can't the trauma of my child being taken take me into a psychotic spiral where I feel that those that are weak deserve to die and strive to destroy all those involved regardless of timeline with the abduction of my child. Now that would be intense and at the same time allow for more than just a "good guy" option.

Now don't get me wrong, there are all just my opinions and no I am not actively pursing an evil route in my game but if I could that would just increase the game play value. Encounter Preston at the museum being attacked by raiders, well hey lets help the raiders... Maybe the raiders turn on me after all of those people are slayed maybe they ask me to join up and they become my settlers...

I mean for a game that is built on a Role Play franchise, where it advertises I can join whatever faction I want, they clearly are limiting my options and forcing me to be good early on way to much...

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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:39 pm

I agree I really dislike the being a goody-two-shoes role you have no choice but to adhere to (if you wanna do missions).

But that said, I am still really enjoying the game.

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Rob Smith
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