Landscape! How beautiful it looks from the various screenshots and trailer, eh? Foreboding mountain ranges, vast forests of birch trees, snow covered wastes, rushing waters. But that's just what we've seen! There are also valleys of volcanic rock, gorges cut from rivers, glaciers that reach out to Atmora! I have no doubt in my mind that this will be the most majestic game enviroment I have ever played in. Dare I say comparable to the hypnotizing, luscious planet of Pandora from Avatar? Mayhap better?
It is quite apparent that the cities and towns have been modeled around the natural scenery, instead of the other way around, like Oblivion. One notable village from the trailer rests on the peak of a small mountain overlooking a marshlands across the bay. A rock bridge arches over the river below and leads to a seperate, tall standing crag. Leave it to the crafty citizens of Skyrim to build a castle atop it. Riverwood looks to be wedged between two promontory type hills (if my eyes don't decieve me), and Markarth seems like it is located in a deep crevasse with stairs ascending all the way up from the bottom. Buildings may be stacked on top of eachother here or emerging from the cliffs, it being a vertical kind of place. Every city is entirely unique. A great improvement over Oblivion's flat plane, cookie-cutter towns.
Drooling yet? Maybe you already know all of this and I'm boring you to death. You probably just skipped around the text didn't you? Well if you were kind enough to actually read my take on things, thanks! I know some of us have been wondering how big, exactly, Skyrim will be. Todd Howard stated it will be roughly the same size as Cyrodiil, though the mountainous landscape will give it a greater sense of depth. How tall are these mountains you may ask. Will there be long ranges of them? How well have they improved from Oblivion's hills? Can we scale them like some sort of... of... mountain scaler? Maybe this is just me thinking here.
Many things are to be considered such as waves in the sea, frozen lakes, underwater glaciers, volcanoes, etc. Will enviroments change over time, i.e. ice melting, glaciers breaking apart into the ocean, volcanoes erupting? Surely I can't expect something so whimsical as a massive land formation spewing out clouds of smoke and fiery hot lava over the forests of Skyrim but a guy can dream can't he? If it seems like I've been skipping around topics, you're not imagining things. I apologize for the jumbled up combination of thoughts, statements, and questions but I tied everything together quite nicely to give it some relevance. I welcome all of you to make predictions, comment my own and share any information you have on this gorgeous landscape.