» Mon May 09, 2011 10:04 am
Before I go any further, I really respect PC gamers BUT they do have a tendency of downgrading consoles due to their technicalities. I'm a PC gamer myself, and I know how it feels to sometimes wonder "why consoles?". The problem with this notion is that many of us grew into gaming through consoles...I myself came in through the Playstation, which I thought was all the rage at the time. So, at least for me, it's hard to understand why consoles are so ridiculed because I grew up with them. I'll tell you right now: Don't worry about it, I'm a 360 gamer and I'm sure the game will look beautiful on the system.
That said, I've played both 360 and PS3 games, and they can be just as jaw dropping as PC games. Technicalities aside, games are pretty, games are memorable, by their aesthetic value and this doesn't mean draw distance and shadows. They do help, but what really makes a game unique and enjoyable is the detail, the artwork, and the dedication put into it. The Assassin's Creed series, for example, is a testament to the effort of a few developers trying to bring enjoyment to a gamer's couch while still adding a beautiful world, story, and soundtrack. On the flip side, the Uncharted series on the PS3 has also brought its share of attention with equally gorgeous games like Uncharted. These are games that use what they have and produce something unparalleled in the industry. Some PC games (which I won't specifically mention), for example, will only be remembered by their technical excellence...and not their unoriginal story, uninspired characters, and a setting that could be placed into countless other FPS's without any touch-up. Take away that one piece of quality from these games and you have something that can't even stand on it's own two feet. So my point is this: technical superiority doesn't produce a better experience. It may produce a more believable experience, but this can only be accomplished by more important factors that transcend the entertainment industry (story, characters, etc).
Maybe it's just me. Maybe I somehow can't tell any major differences between PC and console gaming. However, I know that when I do play Skyrim on my Xbox 360, the beauty will still be there along with the detail. I won't be able to see a few more trees and a shadow here and there?
Frankly, my dear....I don't give a damn. ^_^