How is having no shame in killing things and eating them self-righteous?
:shrug: Eating meat can't stand up to ethical scrutiny. It's only come under scrutiny relatively recently in our history though, so it will take a while for the cycle to complete. Eventually society will get to the point where it is illegal. It will take a while though.
Typical cycle:
1 - People come to an awareness about a potential issue
2 - Philosophers debate back and forth for several decades, and a dominant position arises, complete with proposals for social change
3 - The rest of society spends anywhere from a few decades to a few centuries playing 'catch up', gradually moving toward that position. This is because starkly asking one generation with one culture to drastically alter it rarely works. Instead, each generation makes incremental changes that they are comfortable with
4 - Social change initiated at a legal level, some generations down the track
That's the cycle that suffrage, abolition and other issues have followed, and looking at the status of animal rights in current intellectual debate, it will likely follow the same course.