RP thoughts: The "CONAN RULES"

Post » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:18 am

As in Robert E. Howards CONAN.

To RP this character, there is quite a bit of background to consider. The original stories by R.E.Howard, and the follow on books by Robert Jordan, Steve Perry, and even Poul Anderson paint a very definite picture of exactly what Conan IS, and IS NOT.

Conan is not a magic user, although he knows of sorcerors, necromancers, and the like. His notions about them are that he has never yet seen a wizard or any other magical thing that cannot be killed with cold steel.

Physically, Conan is described as a huge man, with longish black hair, and brilliant icy blue eyes, which to me points toward Conan having to be an Imperial. He is definitely NOT a Nord, because the Cimmerians have a traditional hatred of the Aesir and Vanir - who are the northmen in the Conan Series. The "REDBEARDS" have a fondness for stealing over the Cimmerian border and taking young men and women as slaves, which is where Conans life began.

As a young man he was taken to work in a mine, and was later sold to an easterner to serve as a Gladiator until he was eventually granted his freedom.

In that, we see Conan become extraordinarily skilled in all manner of weaponry and armor, with his preferred Destructive Device being a huge Greatsword pilfered from a moldering corpse in a tomb from which he takes refuge from a pack of wolves - a corpse which comes to life and tries to take back the sword it was buried with!!!

It is questionable if or not to give Conan Restoration skills - Conan is given to have tremendous recuperative powers of his own, and collossal physical strength. I think that like all other schools of magicka (including Alteration) - NO. No magic for this char.

Conan is at first a thief, if we follow the series, and so it is reasonable to push the stealth, lockpicking, and Pickpocket skills.

Being a man at arms, the Smithing perc tree is a valid one. His heritage as a Cimmerian - and his own father having been a blacksmith, this is appropriate. "Trust no man Conan, but STEEL! In this you can trust..."

But he is neither a scholar nor a chemist - the skills of alchemy and enchanting are closed to him. A true to Conan char would have to get by only with what enchanted weapons, or with whatever potions he found or bought along the way, I note also that Conan is a wanderer, not a landowner.

It would be incorrect for Conan to own a home or a steading, and not unusual for him to have only what gold he can carry. The Conan we read about will occasionally bury a chest here or there as a cache, but prefers to live high when in town - spending away all of his coin until he must perforce go out adventuring once again...

No mages college, no magicka to build up. Stamina and health, definitely. Companion quests, yes. Both heavy and light armor at times. Preference to two handed weapons right from the start, and he is also excellent with a bow.

Conan is also good with horses, but on an XBOX 360 I don't think I can fight with him from horseback.

Conan has been known to STEAL horses, like anything else, and depending on circumstances may have several bounties on his head at any given time.

Can anyone think of anything else?

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Post » Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:17 pm

A quote: "One should always be armed in any place where weapons are not allowed." - Conan (quote not exact, but close)

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Post » Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:35 am


And a thing I neglected to mention is that Conan cleaves to no God save one, although Mitra is often seen to have a hand in events surrounding Conan.

The traditional patron God of all Cimmerians is great and uncaring CROM - who breaths life and willpower into all men, what they do with it after that is up to them alone.

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Post » Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:14 pm

It is basically an archetype, a stock barbarian character. With at least some magic you can try and make the character more interesting and less generic I suppose, but if you are adhering to the narrative exposition found in the books there should be an abhorrence for all things magical.

TL;DR - Your typical fur-loving Nord.

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Post » Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:52 pm

He isn't a Merchant either, but can be intimidating and persuasive.

The speech skill has me a bit hesitant, I think that beyond the second or third perk on the left side of that skill tree should be left alone, but the right side of the skill tree filled up.

I also wonder what skill to make legendary over and over to reach truly high levels. I suppose blocking might work, it isn't used all the time.

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Post » Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:55 pm

I've read a lot of Conan builds, but this is probably my favorite thus far.

Only two things I would consider.

Given the origins of his favored sword, I would stick with the first Ancient Nord Greatsword *that you loot off of a draugr that you've killed*. I would veer away from any enchanted weapons (they require soul gems, which require some minor knowledge and skill of the arcane to use and fill)

Also, I like the idea of stealth, but I would stick to the use of stealth MAINLY for thievery. I would seldom use it in combat. Conan is much more of the "overwhelm them and overpower them" kinda guy, and not much of a "sneaky, pick'em off one-at-a-time" kinda guy. Perhaps occasionally starting combat with an ambush, but not reverting back to stealth after being caught.
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Post » Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:44 am

As far as the skill to get up to incredibly high levels?? Well, if you don't mind a bit of grinding...Sneak is one of the easiest to do, especially if you have some muffled light boots. The corners in Dragonsreach are a great place to sneak all night to boost levels.

As far as Conan not being a landowner, that isn't totally the case. Yes, he did spend most of his life as a wanderer, but he was seeking greater wealth and power, and eventually wound up King. His issue most of the time with NOT buying houses and such is or was his enemies often made it necessary for him to decamp often with armies after him. In the early days of his career he definitely was a total nomad, going where the coin was or where his enemies couldn't follow, but as he aged he did on several occasions seek title and land and thus power.

I don't know how far he would go in the companions...I don't know if he would go along with becoming a werewolf, he may join, but I doubt he would have do the ritual. I could easily see him as joining the Thieves guild..I don't know how well he would get along with Daedra, thus completing the thieves guild my be an issue to true roleplaying of him.

Most of his gear would also be non-magical as well, as he really really didn't like it.

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