Thousands of Fish, stacked on top of each other in Solstheim

Post » Thu May 29, 2014 11:19 am

Hello all, Im new here and I really need some help.

In my latest save game file, i travelled to Solstheim, Ravenrock.

On arrival, i saw two big clumps of fish+dartwings, sitting there in the water.

I couldnt loot them via clicking them, pressing use (E) or anything else.

However, I did try Unrelenting Force on the fish, a method used by many to clear fish from water quickly,

and upon doing this I saw for about 5 seconds, THOUSANDS of fish and dartwings, FLY OUT of this cluster of stacked fish.

The FPS had a considerable drop, to about 1 - 2fps while the dartwings and fish flew out in various directions, until the game finally froze after about 10 seconds. I let it sit there for about 30 minutes thinking it might load them eventually.

Well, it didnt. So i reloaded and tried other stuff...

Marking for deleting ( was unable to target them )

Kill (via console. Stil unable to target )

Other spells with projectiles. (no effect)

Disabling addons, but not the DLC.

Has anyone encountered this problem? Because of this, i am unable to progress in Solstheim. Please help.

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Etta Hargrave
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