Somehow ive made perma thrall guards , using the ritual stone they pattrol town and grunt like regular thralls , yet will talk to you also ur there jarl they dont arrest you and help u fight regular guards. I have 1 in whitrun , not sure it either is from fast traveling or certain doors that trigger this, but riften is my city of damned like 10 thrall guards on duty. If u unstealth while there agroed they will go in the cistern via tomb door somehow the guards killed all the theives in there cept the start red headed guy, so i mass thralled um as well now im experminting to figure out how to recreate this. Any one else observe this cool bug, know how to do it on purpose? My end game will be a massive blight with a thrall army of druguar and me in vamp lord mode marching from hold to hold killing everything in site stoping only to repair my grim force once done with 1 ill make ary one thrall citizens, hopefully ill be able to figure it out. Itll be me and serana and a world of obedient thralls(city at least) , if i can figure it oyt ill try and thrall citisenize drugars how diobolicly awsome would that be lol replace all of riften with the dead , looking for info on this, if u know.