Three RP Ideas, Which do you like best

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:11 am

I would normally avoid a vampire RP, but if there's anyone that would make it interesting it would be ImmortalBlood.

I vote for the first. Largely because I'd like a vampire RP to be done well, for once.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:16 pm

I would normally avoid a vampire RP, but if there's anyone that would make it interesting it would be ImmortalBlood.

I vote for the first. Largely because I'd like a vampire RP to be done well, for once.

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Andy durkan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:46 am

I would normally avoid a vampire RP, but if there's anyone that would make it interesting it would be ImmortalBlood.

I vote for the first. Largely because I'd like a vampire RP to be done well, for once.

Well, as was said in the big RP guidelines that got stickied, while some things are harder to do right, with enough skill and tenacity anything's possible. Think the fantasy genre (hate that word) in general, right? A band of skilled, overly stubborn RPers can make a good vampire RP. I've seen it done. I reccomend first, though, that people read Dracula, particularly if they're going to play a Cyrodiil vampire since they seem to go by virtually the same rules as the big D himself.
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KIng James
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:10 am

Honestly valid disagreement, I say to you.

However, my statement was simply of the general mass, I know there are RPers on these boards that are very willing and capable to pull off a political and KEEP it political. And even the Dark Blood's RP is not immune to the vampire craze. But if the RP is managed well, it can weather through such issues. The first idea would simply require a lot of good management on the end of the RP creator and the RPers themselves.

I agree entirely. Like I said, if the first proves to be a nuisance and heavy burden on the OP, I'd gladly go with the third. I do think it's odd however that this vampire craze appeared seemingly around the same time as Twilight and New Moon. We have fans do we? I must blushingly admit with a raised hand... :embarrass:
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James Wilson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:38 am

The vampire RP won't have anything to do with anything remotely akin to Twilight for as long as I draw breath.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:57 am

The vampire RP won't have anything to do with anything remotely akin to Twilight for as long as I draw breath.

And thank logic for that, IB.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:57 am

My issue is that I am not sure how to organize the RP. I've been suggested to that we simply have everyone RP a different vampire noble (or allied sub servant of the noble) and have everyone sort of go to town on each other trying to gain reputation and wealth and whatever else. My biggest fear with this however is that while it may gain people to join later on people will lose focus and drop out.
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:26 am

My issue is that I am not sure how to organize the RP. I've been suggested to that we simply have everyone RP a different vampire noble (or allied sub servant of the noble) and have everyone sort of go to town on each other trying to gain reputation and wealth and whatever else. My biggest fear with this however is that while it may gain people to join later on people will lose focus and drop out.

Four larger allianced made up of sub families of vampries would work, kinda like the Hlaalu telvanni redoran Indoril house thing in morrowind. But playing as individual lords would lack focus and a definitive enemy and would just end up a gang [censored] of different factions like the queens watlz did with its 700 armies all gang [censored] each other. I want the vampire RP for definate, its the only one im interested in.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:53 am

My issue is that I am not sure how to organize the RP. I've been suggested to that we simply have everyone RP a different vampire noble (or allied sub servant of the noble) and have everyone sort of go to town on each other trying to gain reputation and wealth and whatever else. My biggest fear with this however is that while it may gain people to join later on people will lose focus and drop out.

Four larger allianced made up of sub families of vampries would work, kinda like the Hlaalu telvanni redoran Indoril house thing in morrowind. But playing as individual lords would lack focus and a definitive enemy and would just end up a gang [censored] of different factions like the queens watlz did with its 700 armies all gang [censored] each other. I want the vampire RP for definate, its the only one im interested in.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:27 am

Four larger allianced made up of sub families of vampries would work, kinda like the Hlaalu telvanni redoran Indoril house thing in morrowind. But playing as individual lords would lack focus and a definitive enemy and would just end up a gang [censored] of different factions like the queens watlz did with its 700 armies all gang [censored] each other. I want the vampire RP for definate, its the only one im interested in.

I was originally thinking of two major alliances of families but then again I have a bunch of lords and lords generally just point to other people to do stuff so I want some interaction. But if I do leadership, 2nd in command, and then "everybody else" i run into issues in managing leadership and making sure the people who take those positions are loyal and active. Seems like a "damned if you do damned if you don't" situation for me.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:17 am

The vampire RP won't have anything to do with anything remotely akin to Twilight for as long as I draw breath.

well it's a vampire RP, not a sparkly teen six idol/misogynist RP, so it couldn't be like Twilight.

I was originally thinking of two major alliances of families but then again I have a bunch of lords and lords generally just point to other people to do stuff so I want some interaction. But if I do leadership, 2nd in command, and then "everybody else" i run into issues in managing leadership and making sure the people who take those positions are loyal and active. Seems like a "damned if you do damned if you don't" situation for me.

Well how about this idea, all RPers (except you as DM) start off playing newer vamps, so they aren't overpowered and still have to do things. Then as the RP advances they get more powerful, maybe gather some followers, etc, and that way the only people who wind up being clan leaders or the like are people who have already shown that they have the time and dedication to keep running?

EDIT: Also, since vampires are, barring accidents and violence, immortal, the timescale could be played with in all sorts of interesting ways.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:11 pm

I was originally thinking of two major alliances of families but then again I have a bunch of lords and lords generally just point to other people to do stuff so I want some interaction. But if I do leadership, 2nd in command, and then "everybody else" i run into issues in managing leadership and making sure the people who take those positions are loyal and active. Seems like a "damned if you do damned if you don't" situation for me.

That's true. Normally, in the vampiric world, the older vampire don't normally see much of anything outside of their own keeps. So, if you want interaction, it's probably best to limit the clans to three or four. Solidor has a point as well. You'd get even less interaction if you split the rp into a million clans all warring and out-merchantiling each other to death.

So having brought up an argument, I shall support it with a resolution.

What if you took three rp'ers you deem expert enough, made them the rulers of three vampire clans. Pick three more to be second-in-command. Then construct a ranking system and a list of objectives for each clan to perform. The list wouldn't have to be anything long or complicated at first, just challenging enough to get everyone on the same page. Some objectives could even be the same for each clan, giving us the oppurtunity to snap at each other's heels. When the clan succeeds in it's objective, the ruler of each clan will promote one of the clan's members. To keep from having biased rulers promoting the same person repeatedly, simply put a bar on it. Such as, each member can only get two promotions in a row before the ruler must pick two other people or pick a different person twice.

Eventually, after a clan starts working together, missions will go smoother. Those who do more work and put more effort into a mission will get promoted. There can even be some civil war if need be. Just to throw in some drama.

You could have a group of volunteer writers within the rp play as human vampire hunters, so that if a clan just isn't working together, they begin to seem more careless. The hunters can rattle their ranks and perhaps even claim a life. If the they manage to kill the clan ruler, a new one will be promoted(A different rp'er), to attempt to lead the clan. This would give everyone the chance to play as a leader. Eventually someone of some tact will lead their clan to success. The only problem being that you couldn't have the clans doing too many of the same tasks, as this would reduce the amount of success for each clan.

Also, those who are of higher rank could tackle different tasks then what the lower ranks and the rest of the clan are working on. But this would mean that only a few members of each clan would be high enough to try missions/tasks alone.

So, what do ya think?
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:18 am

I was talking to Immortal about this lastnight so I thought I'd post up my idea.

There are three main families, clandestine rulers of their underworld who reach back hundreds and hundreds of years. Lets call them FamilyA FamilyB and FamilyC. There is also a new clan, two hundred years old, an upstart in anybodies eyes but for now they are at peace with the rest of the clans, they fit into things perfectly with the services they provice.

FamilyA would control the Arena and Theatre district, running the gambling and legitimate fronts such as theatre, opera etc. They also run back room bordello's and [censored] houses, as well as illegal gambling of which the empire takes no commision.

FamilyB is in control of the Market district, they collect protection money and control the trade routes leading in from the north and the east, they make extra money through taking the more expensive artefacts that come in through the shipments and selling them at a reduced cost on the black market, for them its pure profit because they didnt pay for the item in question. They also provide services to FamilyA, such as faulty armour and weapons for fixed fights in the arena.

FamilyC controles the waterfront district, they have a legitimate front in shipping and exports/imports which keeps the Imperial Taxman happy, though they also smuggle in drugs and poison aswell as illegal artefact or stolen art which is then sold on through the black market contacts held by FamilyB. They also smuggle in illegal slaves -- the majority being female, which provide FamilyA with a constant stream of fresh meat for their Bordello's and brothels.

then FamilyD (the new clan) has shown up; they are the bottom fish, they dont own as much as the other families but they have ambition, ambition that could start a family war. They provide menial services such as hired muscle for deals and black market meets (they basically oversee it and make sure both parties involved in the deal are safe regardless of who employed them.) They also provide protection and security for illegal arena events and [censored] houses on top of FamilyA's own security. They distribute the drugs for FamilyC and take all the risks but gain aa little profit from the venture. Essentially they do all the dirty work that the other families are too high and mighty to care about or worry about.

Each family relies on another for something, so if one family throws a punch they all feel the impact, if somebody gets involved in another families private business its becomes everybodies business. A symbiotic relationship that could easily be thrown into chaos but for hundreds of years has operated perfectly and peacefully.
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James Potter
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:06 am

Both good ideas except that I prefer 4 families rather than 3 which has been done before and 2 is too few. The idea Solidor posted is almost exactly what I was thinking. Family A is alright doing the arena, gambling, prostitution etc and they would act as the oldest of the four families since they also hold largest sway over the "oldest profession." Next oldest family I was thinking had a large part in the shipping trade. Chronologically speaking in ways settlements work out that would make sense. The third family I was thinking of having a large portion of their resources invested in the arcane aspect (as the arcane university and all came in much later in the city) and some of the nobility are actually personal teachers for the mortal nobility.

This way Family A is the most stable. People always love gambling, lusting, and sanctioned murder.

Then Family B is the richest since they have most of the trade and the largest sway over the market basics such as food, armors, clothing etc.

Then Family C would have the furthest reaching reputation since they would be the teachers of mortal nobility and their children.

This leaves Family D (which you wanted to take Solidor) to start lower on the totem poll and work themselves out.

Basic organization would be that each family would have a head. This would be the Patriarch or Matriarch. Then you'd have several members RPing some nobility serviant to the Patriarch/Matriarch and then everyone else would RP something under that be it an adherent or a "doll." I was thinking of using Turkish terminology like "Ienicerii" (Janissary) for dolls but the term I think will be lost on some people and "doll" just fits in more with the gothy venetian mask wearing atmosphere to be created.

Alright so right now I need 3 others (Solidor already has a family) to be committed members of the RP. Of course history will be taken into consideration. It REALLY helps if you get yourself an MSN account or even an AIM one. I have Yahoo if absolutely needed but I prefer not to. You don't need to download anything. Just register a screen name and then go to and log in through there.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:26 pm

How about Thralls instead of Dolls? Basically humans under a curse/spell of a vampire who are forced into servitude. As for the theme, I'd love to see a more theme rather than gothic (which the who mask phantom of the opera doesnt really fit into since thats more french romance era than Gothic).

The 18th century look is fitting for a vampire clan, its lavish expensive and some what glam (or it was for that period of time) and fits in perfectly with the sophistication that many of the family members will exude.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:44 am

Myself, I like the sound of the third option the best. I've always been privvy to the whole 'adventurers embarking on an epic quest' kind of vibe. Plus, option #3 has considerably more flexibility in terms of plot and characters than #1 (which would be my second choice).

As you've already pointed out with your Final Fantasy anology, the third option would allow for much more branching outwards later on. It would allow much easier development of any additional enemies, I think, and let's face it...who doesn't love a good adventure RP?

So, I'm going to vote for 3. I'd love to see this get started up.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:51 pm

I'm about 75 percent sure we'll do the vampire one just because of how the story line fits we have to do it before the adventure RP. Contributions to the vampire RP will get the adventure story line going better/sooner as well.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:34 am

Alright, now, there would still be people seeking to "harm" the families in such a way, correct? For various trade reasons, past relations, punishment, any kind of revenge or conflict, etc. ?
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hannah sillery
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:23 am

If we are doing this, I will accept Family C according to IB's plan, which means the Arcane Tutor idea. I like that, and I won't mind trying my best to head it.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:26 am


Lycan Nerev has offered to take up Family A which will run the gambling/gladiator arena business as well as the theater district including prostitution. They're the most stable.

Family B is vacant but they'll run most of the trade via shipping and have a large control over the market. They'll be the richest although that waxes and wanes with the economy.

FC4 is taking Family C which has a pretty big monopoly on arcane products, runs as a shadow under the mages guild. They're the most influential directly on the mortal nobility.

Solidor is taking Family D which will be the young upstarts and he has unique ideas for it.

So far we have 3 out of the 4 houses with people who say they can be dedicated and run the family. Nothing is set in stone and I dont want to force people into anything. I have some minor nobility characters in the vampire realm that i'll be putting wherever they'll be needed to make things run smoothly. Also Person of Anticlere will be RPing the Imperial City...taking care of the basic NPCs, and the over all flow of the city since he's not a big fan of vampires.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:53 pm

I don't want a family to run, but I have been thinking, I could take a couple of normal mortals hired to remove the vampires for economic reasons, or I could just take a vampire...whichever.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:11 am

Immortal, I'll assume for the moment you don't want to start a faction opposed to the vampires, so I'll leave that alone for now. However, seeing as you are going for the classical, gothic nobility feel, is it possible that the vampire nobles would have mortal knights in their employ? Knights which might not be aware of the vampiric nature of their employers?

If so, I would be interested, as I'm not overly fond of roleplaying a vampire myself. Of course, if you're keen on the idea of a group of mortals opposing the vampires altogether (as suggested by Woolymamoth45) I'd be up for that too. Just scoping out the different options.

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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:29 am

Immortal, I'll assume for the moment you don't want to start a faction opposed to the vampires, so I'll leave that alone for now. However, seeing as you are going for the classical, gothic nobility feel, is it possible that the vampire nobles would have mortal knights in their employ? Knights which might not be aware of the vampiric nature of their employers?

If so, I would be interested, as I'm not overly fond of roleplaying a vampire myself. Of course, if you're keen on the idea of a group of mortals opposing the vampires altogether (as suggested by Woolymamoth45) I'd be up for that too. Just scoping out the different options.


I was thinking, and I worked out a team of 3 mortals (if we did not do something like Virtuous Blood) that were hired by a certain set of merchants to take out vampires, for the reason of an economic disagreement. Like Solidor said, one family's problem is everyone's problem. I was thinking of having my team of 3 (who wouldn't be uber. I don't mind them dying.). Now, others could also be hired by the same intelligence.

In that sense, lots of crap would go down. The economic clan would begin to lose power and of course start to fall, and so would the other clans. Then, the new clan would attempt to rise up, and more conflict would grow. The arcane clan would have trouble as well, and it would be sort of an economic spun conflict. That was pretty broad.

Now it is just an idea, but I think at least parts of it could be incorporated to a sense.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:37 am

Immortal, I'll assume for the moment you don't want to start a faction opposed to the vampires, so I'll leave that alone for now. However, seeing as you are going for the classical, gothic nobility feel, is it possible that the vampire nobles would have mortal knights in their employ? Knights which might not be aware of the vampiric nature of their employers?

If so, I would be interested, as I'm not overly fond of roleplaying a vampire myself. Of course, if you're keen on the idea of a group of mortals opposing the vampires altogether (as suggested by Woolymamoth45) I'd be up for that too. Just scoping out the different options.


Atomic just took the last family. Right now i'm going to move into writing the base history of each Family. Right now i'm not going to concern myself with an opposing vampire hunter faction but it is all together possible including what you suggested.
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:23 am

I'm going to say the 3rd. The 1st idea would be alright I suppose, but I've never liked vampire RPing and most people just become overly powerful creatures of the night that feed on all and can kill someone with a flick of their wrists.

The 3rd sounds fun, however I do not like comparing an RPing session with a Final Fantasy game, especially when based in the Elder Scrolls Universe. the 3rd idea is good though. Would be fun to develop strong, but reasonable characters and work along with each other to take out the greater evil. Could be a fun place for backstabbing, turncoats, and drama, along with the usual action, violence, and warfare.
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