well, I hope everyone had a good Christmas.
An anti-vampire faction would bring us up to five if each house is a seperate thing, though. Can we get enough people for five seperate factions in what will likely be primarily a political RP?
I doubt we can get enough people. Right now I just want to focus on getting enough people for the 4 primary factions. I don't need a whole roster but at least 2 or 3 people for each.
No thanks. Not after Queens waltz. Too many factions, too much chaos, to many personal agendas, not enough focus. It gets messy fast when you deviate.
I think maybe if we gain enough steam and have enough dedicated writers in it it could be done later, but at least for the beginning I agree with you. We already have the four families.
Yea maybe later.
Just to get a fair sense, who here has read Bram Stoker's original Dracula? Just because the rules for vampires in that are almost identical (just a lot more detailed) to the Cyrodiil vampires from Oblivion. Either way I reccomend it if you haven't, but just to get a sense of how one of the greatest horror novels of all time was written and how, for the type of tone this seems to be using, vampires should be written.
That dumb Irishman made Dracula a Szeckler! (No offense Solidor

The vampire "rules" are more like etiquette as opposed to super natural rules vampires must follow. A sort of guide for keeping the RP from falling into a mass brawl fest.
I have it, but I haven't finished it. So should I base my character on his "rules"?
Not really unless you want to.
I'm for the first idea. With good management, bloodshed on a large scale can be limited, and through character sheet screening, the "zomg vampires!!111!11" people can be kept out. The main reason I love the firsti dea is because it's new, for one thing, and also I love entirely politicaly based RPs, especially ones like this.
That's good.
Just an update for everyone. My vacation will run to it's latest until the 14th or 15th.