I figure that I'll probably still be able to run Morrowind on it, but I don't know anything about
computers so I thought I should check first. How are these system specs for Morrowind?
Windows Vista (Home Premium) 64bit
4.00 GB RAM
T6400 @ 2.00 GHz
hard drive (Local Disk): 191 GB free of 285 GB
and my computer's telling me I shouldn't do anything with the recovery disk...
Intel? Core?2 Duo CPU
Okay, that's everything under my system properties. I can't find anything about a graphics card, but there's this Windows rating system (1 through 5.9) and my gaming graphics is 4.6.
Second question: I'm very clumsy with gaming on my laptop. Can you use a wired Xbox controller for Morrowind on the PC?
Third question: Regarding mods, I have no idea what i'm doing, but they're the only reason i'm really getting Morrowind for the PC
instead of the Xbox, so I can do graphics overhaul and such. Are mods difficult to install and use for a complete noob? Seriously, I know
nothing about mods and am not very computer savvy in terms of navigating my computer to find files.
-Thanks everybody