1. Not everyone is like that. Watchout that I don t get the old fo play them and wonder why this or that isn t right. I can tear apart almost anything that is created.
2. People wanted to know why DC was like that, I tell them why, now they want know why anyone was there??? Give it a rest.
3. Believe me I ll find dumb stuff in fo fo2 and fo tactics when I play them, nothing is perfect. If you don t like Bethesda s fo don t get it.
4. They own it now things have changed a little. I can t wait to play old fo to see just how perfect they were. Even though there is no such thing as perfect. I give fo3 best game ever a 8.75 far short of perfect
5. I give cod 3 best online shooter ever an 8.0
1. I actually would love for you to do that.
2. There is no end to it. FO3 doesn't make any sense, the population, the mutants, the BOS, the agriculture, the production, the settlements, the raider wastelander ratio.
Nothing of it makes any sense.
3. Of course they're not perfect but they make far more sense than FO3.
Let's take Klamath as an example.
Right off the bat you see Torr, a brahmin herder, a brahmin herd that belongs to another guy and plants grown by the citizens.
There, agriculture fixed.
Then you hear about that drunk that he has a still, you hear about the trappers who hunt geckos for meat and skin to sell to caravans. You also hear about them eating rats and that Vic is a trader and repairman.
There, production fixed.
Then we have a bar where another guy has a still, we have a general trader who deals with tech (Vic), a brothel and a motel and even a job board.
For outsiders or citizens there are things to do, things to do for fun and things to do for work.
All of these things were so easily put in to make Klamath make some form of sense.
Now let's take Megaton right, what do people do there for a living?
Some sell stuff and the rest just wander around.
There is no agriculture or livestock, hell, even Moriarty doesn't have a still as far as I can remember.
They don't hunt, at most they scavenge.
So agriculture, livestock and production makes no sense.
It'd make more sense if Megaton was the one place that held control over water and they trade it to outside communities for other wares.
But since that is never stated I can't consider that as a possible fact, just speculation.
4. Change isn't always for the better.
5. No idea how COD made it to this thread. :/
3. I think that was a little offtopic. Sorry.