It has been established that there will be wands and staves (I think that's the correct plural version??) will be in this game. this is old news. But what I think could be a cool last minute feature is throw-able wands. It may sound silly but listen. Imagine setting a delayed spell on your want like "inflict fire damage on self" and then throw your want at your opponent who will most likely try to pick it up to use it against you. And once he tries to cast a spell. Whoosh a splash of emerald fire engulfs them. Would this be an awesome feature for a DLC if it is not in the main game?
Well, the only way an NPC will pick up the staff is if he/she doesn't already have a weapon, which is highly unlikely. Or, you'd have to use a disintegrate weapon spell on them, which IMO would take out all the fun. I'd prefer to stick with the cursed hood/pants/other weightless item trick (assuming it's still in).