» Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:03 am
I see no option for "no, its one of the worst ideas in video games". The Russian ballistic knives are only slightly less stupid to put in a video game.
Or, more accurately, they're always made too powerful for video games. Throwing knives require precision to use. You need to know exactly how far away your target is to spin it the right number of times before contact. You need to aim precisely. The main purpose of them is to dispatch people quietly, and unless you get the guy in the throat spine or brain, hes gonna scream. Besides that, they are only effective out to a couple dozen meters. All of these things are why they simply aren't used in real life except for maybe when you need to make absolutely no noise, which isn't generally the case in a battlefield. Throwing away your weapon is generally a bad idea.
Realism isn't a stand alone argument, I acknowledge that, but the way I see them in games is ridiculous. As a silent, high-skill, situational weapon I could accept them, but they aren't. They are a low skill, spamable, one hit kill weapon that you can use in addition to any other weapon.
Having them work by arcing hundreds of meters through the air to kill a guy you didn't know was there is silly. Being able to THROW them that far is silly. They should have a similar path to grenades. and on that train of thought, have them take a similar amount of time to equip and throw.
Having them be able to bounce is so stupid I wont even attempt to rationalize it.
Having them be able to kill anything they come in contact with is stupid. Anything but the head isn't a kill. If you want them to be so useful, make arms an accuracy debuff and legs a speed debuff.
Some form of advanced targeting would also go a long way in balancing. Maybe having several points in the air to show where the blade will make contact instead of the grip.
These things would basically turn the weapon into something allowing you to take out an enemy that doesn't know you are there and little else. flinging them out in the heat of battle would either take amazing skill to have any effect. Getting knifed to the face while shooting at someone would be impressive instead of annoying.