As u all know that we were able to throw objects in crysis.why it is not included in crysis 2 mp? I could be nice addition with all that melee system. If this could be included in game,some one would say " wtf! he hit me with water bottle!" sound funny will be a nice addition as strength mode is combined with stelth and armour this can do some nice and humiliating kill. Don't you think so?
Killing with a barrel would be awesome. I always thought it would be hella funny if in the original Crysis you could throw those crabs on the enemies and the crabs would latch onto them with their pinchers and they'd freak out and try to get it off. Woulda been a great distraction. Also if you could throw enemies to a death by I wish I could get my ideas to them.
Killing with a barrel would be awesome. I always thought it would be hella funny if in the original Crysis you could throw those crabs on the enemies and the crabs would latch onto them with their pinchers and they'd freak out and try to get it off. Woulda been a great distraction. Also if you could throw enemies to a death by I wish I could get my ideas to them. dude, you made my day.You should be in crytec staff to suggest things.Thats exactly what i think,but only about mp parts.singleplayer do have throwing things system in crysis 2.But it would be better if we could throw things on players or get beaten by those things.Nice way to see killcam.
Depends on how it was implemented. Gameplay has drastically changed. It would be too abusable if you could OHK people by throwing barrels at them. People would grab something and then sit around a corner waiting for someone to walk past.
^instead, they're going to sit in a corner with some C4 planted in a hallway/corner waiting for someone to pass so they can level up the C4. I don't even want to imagine how you'll ever level up your grenades...
^Instead, people are going to use the armor module "Detonation Delay" and pwn the C4 camper. You're honestly telling me you'll sacrifice a module slot for D. Delay on the off chance that this spawn will be the one in which some asshole mines every single choke point?