It is not making fun of himself due to his reaction to the trailer, it is making fun of people, maybe himself, who get overly excited about trailers. That's the whole joke.
Nothing to do with TES at all. Like I said, could have done it with any game or movie.
It's a satire of nerd-zealotry and how pathetic we all are. Knowing that there are others out there whom I can relate to and share my sentiments nearly
halves my chance of going into a depressive episode for the week!
EDIT: And personally, I'm just as impressed by the animation and the jingle as I am the context of the joke.
I don't know why everyone is getting so bent out of shape about this. I don't relate to it and you guys do and I don't understand why. Oh no! Call the cops! I'll stop right here, because I'm clearly criminal scum!
I think it's your persistence more than anything and the "matter-of-fact" tone. Somebody just decided to bring up another lighthearted discussion about what's becoming a fairly viral Skyrim video, but you deride those who emphatically relate to it as if we aren't aware of its purpose/it's being misinterpreted. Just a guess. I don't see much hostility in it myself, but your somber medieval avatar makes me less reactive to you than I am to people with stoic avatars, like Sleign.