» Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:28 pm
I'd say lighting should still be in the background, not actually striking the player or anything else, but we should see visible lightning bolts, rather than just flashes in the sky. The risk of actually being struck by lightning would add nothing to the game as it's not something you can in any way predict or really do much to avoid or cause it to happen, short of not being outside in thunder storms at all, which would make them rather pointless seeing as if there IS a risk of being struck by lightning, players are not going to choose to be outside in thunder storms, does, it would add no challenge to the game, just entirely pointless annoyance if you just happen to get struck when you could not have done anything to prevent it.
As far as thunder goes, realistically, how much of a delay there is between it and the lightning, if there is any perceptible delay, should depend on how far away the strike is, but I don't expect Skyrim to go into so much detail as to have lightning occur different distances from the players' location, so having the thunder happen at the same time as the lightning seems like an alright compromise, as I think that would feel less unrealistic than there always being a uniform delay between lightning and thunder.