IF TIA gets OWN DLC PL again, still REMAIN in DLC-TEAM?

Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:39 am

First of all, the Subject should've been the same as the Poll Question:

If TIA gets its OWN Playlist on the DLC again, should it still REMAIN in the DLC-TEAM Playlist?

but the Subject has less free space, so forgive the wording.

The New Playlists are up.

I'll make it short, personally, I love it. I like all modes, and not having to change lobbies is wonderful, and TIA now seems like a little fresh air between all the Objective modes. Yeah, I love it.
But I'd still vote for re-introducing a separate DLC TIA-only Playlist - BUT KEEPING the DLC-TEAM Playlist as is (meaning TIA will remain a part of the DLC-Team Playlist).

There are apparently so many people dedicated to that single game mode, that now the Voting War I dreaded between TIA and IA (back when Crytek wanted to merge those two) has come to reality between TIA and CrashSite (those seem to be the most common pairing). Which apparently leads to a lot of lobby quitters (mind you, it seems a lot of those people take that stuff too seriously, if you ask me, but you can't argue taste - arguably). True, the lobbies seem fuller now. But apparently only until the voting stops.

I was one who welcomed the changes, but now that I've seen it and perused some feedback, from what I can tell, it seems the community is actually split between the people who play the game and don't really mind different game modes, and the people who play TIA (and nothing else, at all, ever, and the pox take that darn crash site).

So here's how I think it would work, for both parties:
(Well, apart from the whole "Merging of the Maps", and all. But I don't think we're there yet. Baby Steps, people. Baby Steps.)

Retaliation Team Instant Action
· Standard
· Re-introduced separate TIA playlist based on community feedback

Retaliation Instant Action
· Standard

Retaliation Team (TIA, Crash Site, Capture The Relay, Extraction, Assault)
· Standard
· KEEPING TIA based on community feedback

Decimation Team Instant Action
· Standard
· Re-introduced separate TIA playlist based on community feedback

Decimation Instant Action
· Standard

Decimation Team (TIA, Crash Site, Capture The Relay, Extraction, Assault)
· Standard
· KEEPING TIA based on community feedback

I think that would give the TIA purists their due, while at the same time merging the players who just like to play the game in all its modes in DLC-Team.

I like TIA in DLC-Team. I think it should stay there. It's a welcome diversion.

BUT, it would basically offer TWO Playlists featuring TIA, which some might argue goes pretty much AGAINST everything the merging of the playlists was supposed to accomplish.

Opinions, anyone?
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:33 am

Keeping TIA under "Team" will most likely result in that being chosen every time in the voting process. I think TIA should just be removed from the "Team" playlist and be separate again.
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Ella Loapaga
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