Tick-off list

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:24 pm

It's been over two months since I touched C2 and I'm wandering if someone who still plays C2 can tick the points of this list.

1. Do servers still lag when you call orbital strike

2. Is Gauss hit detection fixed

3. Are hackers gone

4. Do people only play TIA?

5. Is skyline still #1 most voted map?

6. Are spawns in Assault [is that what it's called - the 1 life gamemode] fixed

7. Has dx11 been relased

8. Has flickering stopped

9. Has nano catalyst reset bug been fixed

10. Do people know how to votekick
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:53 pm

It's been over two months since I touched C2 and I'm wandering if someone who still plays C2 can tick the points of this list.

1. Do servers still lag when you call orbital strike - YES

2. Is Gauss hit detection fixed - Not that i am aware of

3. Are hackers gone - HELL NO

4. Do people only play TIA? - I dont know what that is

5. Is skyline still #1 most voted map? - maybe

6. Are spawns in Assault [is that what it's called - the 1 life gamemode] fixed - NO

7. Has dx11 been relased - NO

8. Has flickering stopped - In some respects

9. Has nano catalyst reset bug been fixed - NO

10. Do people know how to votekick - Still being abused
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:43 am

Thanks for the reply - TIA is Team Instant Action - aka Team Deathmatch
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clelia vega
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:15 pm

1. Do servers still lag when you call orbital strike - OH YEAH, LIKE HELL!

2. Is Gauss hit detection fixed - don't think so.

3. Are hackers gone - we just had another double-exp-weekend...almost more hackers than normal players.

4. Do people only play TIA? - Can't say, I only play Extraction and CTR

5. Is skyline still #1 most voted map? - On my servers not. Wallstreet is it (Extraction)

6. Are spawns in Assault [is that what it's called - the 1 life gamemode] fixed - Afaik: No.

7. Has dx11 been relased - Nope

8. Has flickering stopped - For some: yes, for some: no.

9. Has nano catalyst reset bug been fixed - officially yes.

10. Do people know how to votekick - I know how to. But others often ask in the chat how to votekick.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:33 pm

It's been over two months since I touched C2 and I'm wandering if someone who still plays C2 can tick the points of this list.

1. Do servers still lag when you call orbital strike, some maps worse than others, usually the first couple of Ion cannons don't cause lag, but then there can be lag after that. Skyline has the worst lag.

2. Is Gauss hit detection fixed, not really, but decloak before firing and you need to wait slightly longer than the firetime for accuracy to get back to 100%

3. Are hackers gone; There are less, but there are still some around. I'd say the chances of having a game with a hacker in it has fallen to about 1 in 10 or less, compared to 1 in 2 earlier in the year. A lot of people with high pings cry hacker when its not necessarily the case. Some better players cry hacker when they just want to remove good players so their K/D ratio isn't lowered.

4. Do people only play TIA? IA, TIA, Crashsite and CTR are the most popular

5. Is skyline still #1 most voted map? Not as much as it used to be, but people still like it despite the lag.

6. Are spawns in Assault [is that what it's called - the 1 life gamemode] fixed - no clue, never noticed the problem.

7. Has dx11 been relased, not yet, I'm betting on August.

8. Has flickering stopped, there are a few fixes out you can search for if you are having multicard flickering.

9. Has nano catalyst reset bug been fixed - bug never affected me.

10. Do people know how to votekick - For better and for worse, more people do.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:20 pm

I still don't understand why you'd fire the Gauss WHILE stealthed anyway
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:25 pm

I still don't understand why you'd fire the Gauss WHILE stealthed anyway

cause people don't like to hit E!? lol. However admittedly when I am feeling lazy I don't always destealth properly or shift to armour first.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:49 am

My question with the gauss wasn't about stealth - I always decloak - it's just that the Gauss bullet would often fail to register on an enemy.
I always destralth before fireing ^^
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:21 pm

It's been over two months since I touched C2 and I'm wandering if someone who still plays C2 can tick the points of this list.

1. Do servers still lag when you call orbital strike - yes, lagg is worst on skyline though

2. Is Gauss hit detection fixed - n/a

3. Are hackers gone - mostly yes

4. Do people only play TIA? - no I play every other mode more than I do TIA

5. Is skyline still #1 most voted map? - no, lots of maps beat it in the vote

6. Are spawns in Assault [is that what it's called - the 1 life gamemode] fixed - no

7. Has dx11 been relased - no

8. Has flickering stopped - n/a

9. Has nano catalyst reset bug been fixed - n/a

10. Do people know how to votekick - yes

n/a means I never had an issue with it

I don't understand the Gauss issue? I use it all the time and there are no problems...
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:42 am

Thing with the gauss was that if an enemy was standing near let's say a lamp post, and you aimed at let's say his head sticking out, the bullet would be blocked by the lamppost where as with the DSG-1 it would be a kill.

That's why I gave up on gauss, well and the fact it's fail comparing to DSG-1
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:48 pm

I only use the Gauss for its cool sound/graphical effects :P
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