I was playing new vegas when skyrim came on the scene with a big bang and everywhere you looked there was talk of it so I was disappointed a tad that I didnt have a pc powerful enough to play skyrim without watering down the gfx greatly tho it could play fo3 n fonv at very highish settings at 1600x?0?? But was happy enough finishing fonv n its dlcs n then a few mods. So it was very surprising to me when I did get a new rig n skyrim on it that I just couldn't get into it at all no matter how hard I tried coz the tes world just doesn't grab me like fallout's does (not too hard but just saying) Anyways I have been playing it again thinking of it as a game to tide me over till the next fallout comes out and vallah! I finally officially became a dragonborn in the game and have been helping out folks in skyrim with this or that while grinding my skills. So if ny others are having trouble finding skyrim interesting enough cos they prefer the fallout series much more I'd suggest th to think of skyrim as something to tide you over till the next fallout comes out..