What is It?
Tile Mania is a tileset resource for modders. TM provides modders with a robust, versatile, generic, seamlessly tiling tileset that can be retextured to suit almost any purpose. Simply by changing the textures, modders can provide players with entirely new interior environments to explore.
Tile Mania will consist of dozens, if not hundreds of tiles to provide for maximum flexibility. These tiles represent generic architectural features like halls, rooms, stairs, etc., and can be assembled like Lego TM blocks to build extensive interior environments.
These tiles are non-rotational, which means they should not be rotated in the editor. This makes it possible to create seamlessly tiling textures. The added overhead of duplicating dozens of tiles is more than justified by the superior appearance of the tiles. (Edit: This may change if I find modular tiles more convenient for some reason or other. In any case, you'll have access to modular pieces on release so you get the best of both worlds.)
These tiles have been painstakingly UV mapped to ensure that all texture mapping remains consistent between tiles. Tiles have been mapped to a standard 1024x1024 texture, so as long as you use standard texture sizes your textures will map properly to the tiles. Tiles can be retextured in NifSkope or by using Texture Sets in the Geck. Some pieces (like stairs) require special handling, so UV maps will be provided for these pieces to make mapping them to your textures easier.
All tiles have been vertex painted for shading.
Tiles have multiple collision objects, but only a single collision material. The existing export scripts do not allow for the export of working multiple collision materials. While it may be possible to create multiple collision materials by hand-editing files in NifSkope, the amount of work required to create hundreds of tiles is simply astronomical. The tiles use HAV_MAT_STONE as the standard collision material, but this can be changed relatively easily in NifSkope. When (and if) the export scripts support multiple collision materials, the tiles can simply be re-exported.
Transitional pieces are planned to create transitions between stock tilesets and the TM tileset.
There are currently over seventy tiles, though some of them still have to be edited a bit. I'm hoping to have the initial set done in time for Christmas. The tile template will use stock textures, though I may release custom sets with original textures once the template set has been completed.
Tile Mania is intended to be a resource to assist modders in the creation of custom interior environments. Obviously, there is a lot more to a convincing environment than a collection of generic tiles. It is up to the modder to provide these additional props to complete the player's experience.
Terms of Use
Tile Mania will be released as a free resource. There are no limitations on what you do with the resource except as follows:
1. You will not sell it or claim it as your own.
2. You will include a line of credit in your mod.
If you want to remodel, retexture, recollision, re-anything the pieces, you have complete freedom to do so. The tileset is intended to serve as a basis on which to build unique sets with their own style, so have fun.