So, one of the things that I've been wondering about is whether there will be any quests with an expiry date on them. On one hand, it greatly reduces the freedom you have to play the game as you see fit whilst these quests are active, but on the other hand it can open up a whole new area of questlines. The poll above is just a quick acid-test of player feeling for such quests. Do you want to see some quests which have fixed time-limits, to encourage you to focus on that particular quest, offering larger rewards for completion (maybe even bonuses for particularly quick completion) but penalties (such as reputation loss or fines) if you don't complete them in time? Or do you prefer all quests, no matter what they are, to be open for you to complete at your leisure?
I really like the idea of some quests having a time limit - goblins that carry off someone's child probably aren't thinking of holding that dhild indefinitely: he's got dinner written all over him. Or maybe the miners have weakened an area of the mine, and need some volunteer to clear out all the salvageable goods before the roof beams collapse, blocking that way forever. As long as they aren't over-used, and you have a good indication of how long you have to complete your task, I think they could be a valuable addition.
Your thoughts?