What is your opinion of the lockpicking and hacking mini games?
I'm over them in a big way. Minigames as a whole are SO ten years ago; I would MUCH prefer a simple skill check to doing the same animation over and over and over and over. The fact that you can just retry them as many times as you want - WHILE THE WORLD IS PAUSED! - means they are ultimately pointless as there is no real consequence of failure.
Lockpicks (excuse me 'bobby pins') are never scarce after about level 2 or 3, and if the player (not the character) knows what he is doing they rarely get broken anyway. I think my Prime character is schlepping around five or six hundred bobby pins, but I don't know for sure since anything over half a dozen is essentially meaningless.
Hacking is....boring. And fiddly. Once you know what you're doing it devolves into a Where's Waldo for braces and parens that eventually get so frustrating that you start to just run your mouse pointer over EVERY character because it's faster.
I'm going to mod these games out once it's safe to do so, and they should not be included in the next iteration of the series - or TES for that matter.