It's time to make a statement Bethesda...

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:46 am

As consumers, there are certain rights afforded to us. Particularly with games that cannot be returned or traded in (thanks to steam DRM)

Thusly, Bethesda have an obligation to make prompt public statements on matters which reflect a high density of players.

I wouldn't mind if the hotfix or an official downgrade to 1.1 took a whole week, so long as Bethesda said something.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:02 am

I was playing Dungeon Defenders just before Skyrim. Trendy Entertainment made quite a few mistakes with patches in the first few weeks of the games life (nothing major really) and every time they said "Oops, sorry about that." Every time they fixed it by the next day (they were literally patching the PC version every day, sometimes twice a day for a while).

It went a long way with the complainers in the forums just to hear Trendy say "Oops, sorry. We're fixing it now." Sadly it seems only small companies are capable of communicating with consumers and treating them like people.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:40 am

There is now a significant number of internet and media articles on what is happening in game.

While there are plenty of journo's and critics posting positive articles, there are numbers now voicing the concerns of many of us here...and part of the problem is that these journalists and commentators are actually experiencing the problems themselves, so it's not just rabble rousing for the sake of it.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:23 pm

As consumers, there are certain rights afforded to us. Particularly with games that cannot be returned or traded in (thanks to steam DRM)

Thusly, Bethesda have an obligation to make prompt public statements on matters which reflect a high density of players.

I wouldn't mind if the hotfix or an official downgrade to 1.1 took a whole week, so long as Bethesda said something.


You've bought a licence to use software; you've paid for a unilateral set of obligations with nothing in return beyond a permission to use that software under those obligations.

Bethesda don't owe you anything.

In the absence of anyone providing me with case law to the contrary, I would be very surprised if software was considered a 'good' for the purposes of goods under consumer protection legislation.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:02 pm


You've bought a licence to use software; you've paid for a unilateral set of obligations with nothing in return beyond a permission to use that software under those obligations.

Bethesda don't owe you anything.

In the absence of anyone providing me with case law to the contrary, I would be very surprised if software was considered a 'good' for the purposes of goods under consumer protection legislation.

Yeah and the time will come when these damn companies would want to charge me a license fee in order to breath the air that goes into my lungs because I breathed it while inside their damn office building.

Screw you. He is talking about common decency and what you would normally expect with genuine good moral business, not some legal technicality that could let them get away with murder.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:46 pm

Bethesda made a patch that [censored] up the game and it now crashes to desktop, has even more problems than before, and there are people here who are defending them?

This is ridiculous.

If people payed 50-60 $ for a game, they expect to play it. They have full right to complain.

Bethesda DOES own it's customers support, or the customers WILL stop buying these games. They exist because of customers, not the other way around.

I love how all the 'defenders' here would behave totally different if it was their game that crashes to desktop all the time.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:56 pm


You've bought a licence to use software; you've paid for a unilateral set of obligations with nothing in return beyond a permission to use that software under those obligations.

Bethesda don't owe you anything.

In the absence of anyone providing me with case law to the contrary, I would be very surprised if software was considered a 'good' for the purposes of goods under consumer protection legislation.

Well, in my country thats the law. I know americans don't have so much regulation, but bethesda decided to publish in my country and thus have to stick to it's laws.

Yeah and the time will come when these damn companies would want to charge me a license fee in order to breath the air that goes into my lungs because I breathed it while inside their damn office building.

Screw you. He is talking about common decency and what you would normally expect with genuine good moral business, not some legal technicality that could let them get away with murder.

Thanks man.
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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:08 am

Well, in my country thats the law. I know americans don't have so much regulation, but bethesda decided to publish in my country and thus have to stick to it's laws.

Thanks man.

So sue them. See if you win.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:23 pm

So sue them. See if you win.

If I had the money, I could and would easily win. In fact we have industry regulators that could fine bethesda's local publisher for me.

Thats how good my countries laws are.

Fact is, I'm betting on bethesda fixing it, and my comments are literally just a way to voice how dissapointed I am that they have not immediately released a statement, given how clearly SOMEONE is using their twitter/blog atm.

Again, happy to wait for a patch fix, hotfix or whatever, just would like some dialogue with fans.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:05 pm

I love how you demand an answer from Bethesda about fixing the game when it isn't really broken in the first place. And don't you realize that it takes a long time to make a patch and ensure it does not royally mess up things?
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louise tagg
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:59 am

Well, I've been happy playing.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:21 pm

I love how you demand an answer from Bethesda about fixing the game when it isn't really broken in the first place. And don't you realize that it takes a long time to make a patch and ensure it does not royally mess up things?

Im not demanding a new patch out of thin air, I would like a PR comment, that is all.

I agree, it is unfair to ask for a hotfix within days of 1.2 but to expect a comment is necessary.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:23 am

If they're so happy with Skyrim, why are they on the forum reading complaints and not actually playing it? Why are they complaining about the complaints?

Nothin' better to do, huh?

Lol...You make my day mate:)

Very well pointed.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:05 pm

Bethesda made a patch that [censored] up the game and it now crashes to desktop, has even more problems than before, and there are people here who are defending them?

This is ridiculous.

If people payed 50-60 $ for a game, they expect to play it. They have full right to complain.

Bethesda DOES own it's customers support, or the customers WILL stop buying these games. They exist because of customers, not the other way around.

I love how all the 'defenders' here would behave totally different if it was their game that crashes to desktop all the time.

exactly. games are apparently the only products that people expect to break down and be unusable. in fact, they are products like any other, and bethesda is a company profiting heavily off its customers like any other. the onus is on them to ensure their games work. yes, skyrim is a large game and bethesda are only human like everyone else, but this is something they should have taken into account when designing the game. if the scope was too large, the should have scaled back. if there wasnt enough time to fix the game before release, they should have delayed it. instead, they advertised it to all hell to capitalize on a unique calender date (11.11.11) and released a buggy product. their second failure was in not testing the patch. defending them is giving them license for lowering the standard for ALL game companies. as customers we should expect more and better games as the technology improves, not settle for less and worse.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:51 pm

I love how you demand an answer from Bethesda about fixing the game when it isn't really broken in the first place. And don't you realize that it takes a long time to make a patch and ensure it does not royally mess up things?

Indeed, still waiting on patches for morrowind/oblivion/fallout 3 to this day.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:07 am

Bethesda made a patch that [censored] up the game and it now crashes to desktop, has even more problems than before, and there are people here who are defending them?

This is ridiculous.

If people payed 50-60 $ for a game, they expect to play it. They have full right to complain.

Bethesda DOES own it's customers support, or the customers WILL stop buying these games. They exist because of customers, not the other way around.

I love how all the 'defenders' here would behave totally different if it was their game that crashes to desktop all the time.

exactly. games are apparently the only products that people expect to break down and be unusable. in fact, they are products like any other, and bethesda is a company profiting heavily off its customers like any other. the onus is on them to ensure their games work. yes, skyrim is a large game and bethesda are only human like everyone else, but this is something they should have taken into account when designing the game. if the scope was too large, the should have scaled back. if there wasnt enough time to fix the game before release, they should have delayed it. instead, they advertised it to all hell to capitalize on a unique calender date (11.11.11) and released a buggy product. their second failure was in not testing the patch. defending them is giving them license for lowering the standard for ALL game companies. as customers we should expect more and better games as the technology improves, not settle for less and worse.

Oh. My. God. LOL at this stuff.
You paid $60 dollars for this game. Sixty. That's it. That means that Bethesda owes you exactly sixty dollars worth of effort. Think about that:

If I paid you sixty dollars right now, what would I get? Maybe I could get you to mow my lawn. You know what else costs sixty dollars? One tank of gas. I use that up in about a week. Likewise, sixty dollars might get me lunch... for about a week.

So some people need to stop acting like they paid thousands of dollars for a lifetime subscription to some gold club. You didn't. If you add up Bethesda's operating budget and the number of dollars paid to their programmers, they probably only owed you about 10 minutes worth of effort. With Skyrim, you've got way more than that.

So not only do you have way more from them than they ever owed you in the first place, but you've got way more than $60 will buy you just about anywhere else. You've got the best deal for sixty dollars that you will ever get in your life. Stop acting like you are entitled to more. Compare it to music? You'll be playing Skyrim for years, probably 5 or 6 years. Itunes charges $1 for a song, maybe a little more for the good ones. That's the cheapest that music has ever been in its history. Could you live for the next six years on sixty songs? Fifty, if you only bought good ones? I didn't think so.

Is the game perfect? Of course not. Nothing is. No single thing ever built by man is perfect. Considering that video games are some of the most complex systems ever conceived by the human mind, I think they've done pretty damned well to get the game operating in millions of different homes in dozens of languages all over the planet. For sixty lousy dollars, that's just damn impressive. That's all I've got to say about that one.

If you disagree, well, whatever.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:46 pm

If they're so happy with Skyrim, why are they on the forum reading complaints and not actually playing it? Why are they complaining about the complaints?

Nothin' better to do, huh?

That's called hypocrisy.
People who supposedly shouldn't care about complaints because their games work fine (or so they see because they may play for 1 hour at a time), browsing the "whiners" threads and attacking just to pass the time while they are at work or school.
They are worse than the actual immature whiners.
In fact, they are downright trolling.
You see when I visit a store (forum) I browse the stuff (threads) that interest me, not those that don't, e.g women underwear section! These people browse all threass so they can find something to pass time/troll/boost ego.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:12 am

On people whinging about the fact that Bethesda apparently did not test the game, I don't see how people can legitimately expect Bethesda to be able to assure that the game works on every single machine with different combinations of operating systems, drivers, hardware, software, anti-virus, and billions of other factors. It's moronic for people to think that it can be done to a 100% standard. Hell, I see it as moronic for people to think that it can be done even to a 1% standard.

What are you going on about ? this is not about how the game runs on different PC set ups, this IS about the fact they fecked up the game with this patch .. nothing to do with that rig you have, from the people with rigs that just runs it to the people with uber rigs to console owner, the patch broke the game no matter what kind of PC you have or console.

It took people within an hour at most of gameplay to get into fights to find that their resist to frost and fire was broke and there Flame or Frost Antioch were now taking damage from there own elements. And the latest I seen on Youtube , Dragons flying backwards.

There is only one conclusion to be drawn , the patch was not gameplay tested and they only looked to see if it fixed the pauses or crashes and the textures looked better.

If gamers could find these things out within an hour or so of gameplay, then so could have Bethesda. First Q? they should be asked , did you test gameplay and if they say yes, then they need to get new testers. These things were not hidden deep within the game and hard to spot, I for one have given up playing I am not going to mess up 100 +_ hours of play by installing 1.02 so they should be coming out and tell us when we can expect the things they broke to be fixed.

I am not saying things like this can not happen, changing program code has its perils no one is saying its not , but to go ahead and put out a patch without proper testings is one step to far.

And for the flames , they would or did test the patch .. come on , what tests when players started to complain about the game being broken within a couple of hours of its release.

And that is the main point , not that they broke the game with the patch that can happen to anyone , the main point is they put it out without poper testing.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:45 pm

Oh. My. God. LOL at this stuff.
You paid $60 dollars for this game. Sixty. That's it. That means that Bethesda owes you exactly sixty dollars worth of effort. Think about that:

If I paid you sixty dollars right now, what would I get? Maybe I could get you to mow my lawn. You know what else costs sixty dollars? One tank of gas. I use that up in about a week. Likewise, sixty dollars might get me lunch... for about a week.

So some people need to stop acting like they paid thousands of dollars for a lifetime subscription to some gold club. You didn't. If you add up Bethesda's operating budget and the number of dollars paid to their programmers, they probably only owed you about 10 minutes worth of effort. With Skyrim, you've got way more than that.

So not only do you have way more from them than they ever owed you in the first place, but you've got way more than $60 will buy you just about anywhere else. You've got the best deal for sixty dollars that you will ever get in your life. Stop acting like you are entitled to more. Compare it to music? You'll be playing Skyrim for years, probably 5 or 6 years. Itunes charges $1 for a song, maybe a little more for the good ones. That's the cheapest that music has ever been in its history. Could you live for the next six years on sixty songs? Fifty, if you only bought good ones? I didn't think so.

Is the game perfect? Of course not. Nothing is. No single thing ever built by man is perfect. Considering that video games are some of the most complex systems ever conceived by the human mind, I think they've done pretty damned well to get the game operating in millions of different homes in dozens of languages all over the planet. For sixty lousy dollars, that's just damn impressive. That's all I've got to say about that one.

If you disagree, well, whatever.

Just because 60 dollars is chump change to you doesn't mean it's the same to everyone else.

Some people actually had to make a conscious effort to save money or cut back spending in other areas of life to have the cash to pick up the game.

If you had to sacrifice to buy the game and it disappointed you, you would be singing an entirely different tune.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:37 pm

Well good for you. But there are people who don't play on a limited, outdated system that are having issues because the crappy engine does not work for sophisticated platforms. ;)

Yes, but the people who play on the "limited, outdated system"... get to play.

Enjoy your "sophisticated platform".
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Rach B
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:24 pm

Oh, think positively please.
At least it's a good opportunity to go back social life isn't it?

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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:52 am

Looking forward to a few weeks time when the COD / OCD crowd find a new shiny pew pew
:slap: Bad Vicho !

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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:53 pm

I'll keep this short and to the point. The literal majority of customer comments now revolve on how a series of patches have broken the game. These type of posts are only occasionally interrupted, and in fact emphasized, by desperate "Bethesda lovers sign here xoxoxo" threads from the "defend no matter what" crowd.

Whatever you want to say about the recent series of events and buglists hundreds of items long - it is time to say something.

I messaged GStaff about a topic I made dedicated to 360 Version bugs (which still carry over to other systems). Maybe by seeing a clear list of them will make him comment about it the bugs.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:26 pm

Oh. My. God. LOL at this stuff.
You paid $60 dollars for this game. Sixty. That's it. That means that Bethesda owes you exactly sixty dollars worth of effort. Think about that:

My hat is off to you. That's about the dumbest thing I've ever read on this forum. Well done that man.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:14 pm

Oh. My. God. LOL at this stuff.
You paid $60 dollars for this game. Sixty. That's it. That means that Bethesda owes you exactly sixty dollars worth of effort. Think about that:

If I paid you sixty dollars right now, what would I get? Maybe I could get you to mow my lawn. You know what else costs sixty dollars? One tank of gas. I use that up in about a week. Likewise, sixty dollars might get me lunch... for about a week.

So some people need to stop acting like they paid thousands of dollars for a lifetime subscription to some gold club. You didn't. If you add up Bethesda's operating budget and the number of dollars paid to their programmers, they probably only owed you about 10 minutes worth of effort. With Skyrim, you've got way more than that.

So not only do you have way more from them than they ever owed you in the first place, but you've got way more than $60 will buy you just about anywhere else. You've got the best deal for sixty dollars that you will ever get in your life. Stop acting like you are entitled to more. Compare it to music? You'll be playing Skyrim for years, probably 5 or 6 years. Itunes charges $1 for a song, maybe a little more for the good ones. That's the cheapest that music has ever been in its history. Could you live for the next six years on sixty songs? Fifty, if you only bought good ones? I didn't think so.

Is the game perfect? Of course not. Nothing is. No single thing ever built by man is perfect. Considering that video games are some of the most complex systems ever conceived by the human mind, I think they've done pretty damned well to get the game operating in millions of different homes in dozens of languages all over the planet. For sixty lousy dollars, that's just damn impressive. That's all I've got to say about that one.

If you disagree, well, whatever.

Economics 1 0 1
If I sell an empty soda can to 100000 people for 1$ each, I will be rich and nobody will miss their 1$. Think about it.
The game is not broken but it is faulty in some ways. If you think that this is an amazing achievement then some other developers with nearly flawless games must be performing miracles.
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