It's time to make a statement Bethesda...

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:01 am

My hat is off to you. That's about the dumbest thing I've ever read on this forum. Well done that man.

You think they owe you more than $60? Explain how that works. You get more than $60, but they don't owe you any more.

Economics 1 0 1
If I sell an empty soda can to 100000 people for 1$ each, I will be rich and nobody will miss their 1$. Think about it.
The game is not broken but it is faulty in some ways. If you think that this is an amazing achievement then some other developers with nearly flawless games must be performing miracles.

I have never seen a flawless game. Never. Especially not one the size of skyrim.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:21 am

They owe as a playable game, which we payed 50-60 $ for. That's it. Howewer, many people on PC now, CANNOT play. That's NOT what they payed for. You can sugar coat it, and beat around the bush all you want but that is what it comes down to.

I payed I want to be able to play. If I'm not able to play due to Bethesda's fault, then yes, they owe their customers an explanation, apology and a really quick fix.

If this happened in any other industry, tourism, car industry etc, they would lose customers forever. You don't go back to a hotel that promised you something and didn't deliver.

Sadly, game companies this big can get away with stupid [censored] like this a few times atleast.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:02 am

it is time to say something.

No, it's time for them to work.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:51 am

They owe as a playable game, which we payed 50-60 $ for. That's it. Howewer, many people on PC now, CANNOT play. That's NOT what they payed for. You can sugar coat it, and beat around the bush all you want but that is what it comes down to.

I payed I want to be able to play. If I'm not able to play due to Bethesda's fault, then yes, they owe their customers an explanation, apology and a really quick fix.

If this happened in any other industry, tourism, car industry etc, they would lose customers forever. You don't go back to a hotel that promised you something and didn't deliver.

Sadly, game companies this big can get away with stupid [censored] like this a few times atleast.

Well, I don't quite think that's right. Of course they owe you a working game, and of course they are working to deliver that. However, there's absolutely no evidence that the reason some of the games aren't working is due to some negligence or failure on Bethesda's part. The vast majority of the games release work as intended, from a technical standpoint. Millions of games are out there. Only a few hundred people are here asking for technical help. That's a pretty good success rate.

Remember, this patch was released in the first place in order to get some games working that weren't. they are doing exactly what you expect of them, trying to get as many units up and running as they can, as quickly as they can.

Either you want them to do it perfectly, which would take forever, or you want them to do it quickly, which leads to mistakes. You can't have both.

Of course they have to get the game working. But, at the same time, they have a reasonable amount of time in order to do that. Any other industry has the exact same rules. Study some contract law and you will see, before you can sue anybody you have to give them a reasonable amount of time to fix the problem themselves.

"Reasonable amount of time" is different for every industry. In the gaming industry, a few weeks for a patch is a perfectly reasonable, even quick response. No judge that I've ever appeared before would think differently.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:00 pm

That's called hypocrisy.
People who supposedly shouldn't care about complaints because their games work fine (or so they see because they may play for 1 hour at a time), browsing the "whiners" threads and attacking just to pass the time while they are at work or school.
They are worse than the actual immature whiners.
In fact, they are downright trolling.
You see when I visit a store (forum) I browse the stuff (threads) that interest me, not those that don't, e.g women underwear section! These people browse all threads so they can find something to pass time/troll/boost ego.

Just wanted to quote this post for all the fanboyz out there claiming Bethesda can do no wrong. Your game runs fine, that is wonderful. (Your lying) but again why do I care. Truth is, this game doesn't even come close to a finished product.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:43 pm

You think they owe you more than $60? Explain how that works. You get more than $60, but they don't owe you any more.

The only thing I think they owe me is some basic honesty and a decent level of feedback (which they're absolutely not forthcoming with). I wouldn't argue they owed me anything more than that, you can't say 'oh well how many developer hours does $60 buy' because they're not selling a distinct physical product, they're selling a copy of a distinct product. That's like equating buying a Kiss single for $1 to getting them to play in your bedroom on demand for $1.
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Ellie English
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:28 pm

Skyrim, to fully be finished on 12/12/12
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:17 pm

You think they owe you more than $60? Explain how that works. You get more than $60, but they don't owe you any more

I wonder what kinda logic makes you think this way? I guess it is okay if one developer makes a "game" in 1 hour and sells it to you for 60$?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:54 pm

yes, the silence is deafening.... if you want to know how bethesda feels about screwing over customers, i have two words for you: HORSE ARMOR

if u want it, buy it. if you don't want it, don't buy it. pretty simple...
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Andrea P
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:23 am

Just because there are people posting on this forum now, does not mean that they are not playing Skyrim because it is broken.

It means, that like myself, we have jobs to go to, I post on here while I am at work.

At night, I have a family to care for, so gaming falls down the pecking order.

Just saying.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:07 pm

So far of what I'm seen pass for "feedback" has struck me as being little more than angry mashing of keyboards supplemented by suppressed squealing noises of rage.

Immaturity and entitlement seem to go hand in hand, and make for a combination that can be both entertaining and outright embarassing.

I haven't seen anyone truly be reasonable about any of this, of the ones complaining about the patch apparently making the game unplayable for "everyone." All I've seen is argumentative attitudes backed with petulance, and any discussion being hijacked by the complainers taking any statement from someone not screaming "MEEEEE TOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" either out of context or else extrapolating far more than the other person even said, in a further projection of their internet rage.

All I've seen is an excessive sense of self-entitlement, as though Bethesda is meant to be at the mercy and command of someone with a complaint.

I like the auto anology someone used. I'll remember that the next time my car needs servicing, and I'll just send the bill to Chevrolet. Hey, they made my car, they should pay the mechanic.

Welcome to the most overused meaningless fashionable phrase from the last several years, namely "sense of entitlement"

Originally used by Warcraft players as an attack on casual players, it has since been used all around the world by [censored] looking to defend their hero against what is often acceptable and constructive criticism.

Please doewnskitty never use this phrase again, it makes it seem like you're a part of the group of people that think bethesda can do no wrong.

OT: The game has flaws, they went to fix the flaws and the fix ended up breaking some people's games so they are most likely spending their time to fix their broken fix. Some people aren't happy that their games are broken, doesn't mean that they're "whiners", many of them are just dissappointed fans who are frustrated that the product they paid for that worked on release day (albiet a bit buggy) is now no longer working because of a patch that was supposed to improve performance.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:54 pm

The only thing I think they owe me is some basic honesty and a decent level of feedback (which they're absolutely not forthcoming with).


After releasing the 1.2 update, we will continue to monitor forums, blogs, etc. for issues you are reporting, and we will keep you updated on further updates to improve your gameplay experience.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:22 am


That's what every developer says regardless if the patch brings along more problems or not, it means NOTHING.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:39 pm


Any idea where this response (to the tens of thousand of customer posts on it) is? A blog that says "We'll monitor reports" doesn't really fall under my definition of feedback tbh.
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michael danso
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:52 am

I highly doubt that a specific Bethesda employee will come to these forums and make any form of statement. The best we can expect is an ambiguous statement from a community manager that will be stickied and locked. If you check out other forms of communication (twitter etc) Bethesda are equally silent there too. If you go over Bethesda's post release history you will see that they do not communicate directly with their user base post release.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:46 pm

These boards are still as funny as ever.

BTW: Skyrim rocks hard.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:43 pm

Do not expect a reply until 12-12-12.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:45 pm

This is actually just like all the other threads about this. 9 pages and absolutely nothing constructive. If you want something fixed, then write up a report that explains all possible situations and can possibly be reproduced. Out of 9 pages there's not a single technical post at all. That's why people are telling you these are pointless, because they are.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:57 am

That's what every developer says regardless if the patch brings along more problems or not, it means NOTHING.

You can't reasonably expect a software developer to come out and give you a rundown of bugs and an estimated time for repairs the same as you expect a plumber tell you how soon he can come to your home and replace a washer in your faucet.

Any idea where this response (to the tens of thousand of customer posts on it) is? A blog that says "We'll monitor reports" doesn't really fall under my definition of feedback tbh.

The best place to look for feedback is in a place where the company makes announcements.
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Ellie English
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:06 pm

This is actually just like all the other threads about this. 9 pages and absolutely nothing constructive. If you want something fixed, then write up a report that explains all possible situations and can possibly be reproduced. Out of 9 pages there's not a single technical post at all. That's why people are telling you these are pointless, because they are.

They're actually pretty good in the (PC) bug forms, can't comment on console ones.

This forum is more of the "oi we want an update" sounding board.

To be fair - I expect that after...what is it now...3 days that they'd at least tweet something, even if it is a "Yup, we're aware and working on a fix, mea culpa". Silence only EVER pisses people off.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:05 am

You can't reasonably expect a software developer to come out and give you a rundown of bugs and an estimated time for repairs the same as you expect a plumber tell you how soon he can come to your home and replace a washer in your faucet.

Are you fan-boys being this stupid on purpose? All we are asking for is a simple statement like ''we made an error with this patch and are dedicated to fixing it asap'' (just put it on the official twitter) and especially with this company's track record you'd think they would be a little more forthcoming but apparently that's not the case.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:42 am

Are you fan-boys being this stupid on purpose? All we are asking for is a simple statement like ''we made an error with this patch and are dedicated to fixing it asap'' (just put it on the official twitter) and especially with this company's track record you'd think they would be a little more forthcoming but apparently that's not the case.

Yeah, rather see another patch in a couple of days with an explanation at that point of what it should resolve, than some wasted manhours sending someone on here to attempt to soothe you - like it would work anyhow.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:05 pm

You can't reasonably expect a software developer to come out and give you a rundown of bugs and an estimated time for repairs the same as you expect a plumber tell you how soon he can come to your home and replace a washer in your faucet.

Actually that's exactly what I'd expect. If we released a product that had a number of showstoppers in it that definitely required a high priority, out of cycle, update then the appropriate action is to give the customer liaison a summary of the accepted/replicated faults and a timeline to a fix. Obviously with the caveat that the expected fix release date is not set in stone. To suggest that a professional software development house shouldn't be held to the same standards as a handyman is kind of ridiculous imo.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:49 am

Bethesda has the right to remain silent.

That's easy for them since they made a cart load 'o money already!
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:19 pm

Yeah, rather see another patch in a couple of days with an explanation at that point of what it should resolve, than some wasted manhours sending someone on here to attempt to soothe you - like it would work anyhow.

I can see that all the people who actually have something to say are wasting their time on these forums, just a big circlejerk to please Bethesda.

Of all the damn things you're telling me that the people who post twitter messages are the same people working on the engine? (nevermind it taking HOURS of posting according to you) Really? You that dense? You should seek help man, not healthy having such an obsession over a company that doesn't give two [censored] about you.
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