they should have delayed it. instead, they advertised it to all hell to capitalize on a unique calender date (11.11.11) and released a buggy product. their second failure was in not testing the patch. defending them is giving them license for lowering the standard for ALL game companies. as customers we should expect more and better games as the technology improves, not settle for less and worse.
I've spent a lot of time on the Battlefield 3 forums trying to educate people about the fact that developers do not set the release date. In this case, Zenimax set the release date. Bethesda are in no way involved; they are merely under contract to get it done by the due date. If they can't, it can mean serious problems for everybody, so they try to get it out as quickly as possible. It's not as easy as just "delaying it".
What are you going on about ? this is not about how the game runs on different PC set ups, this IS about the fact they fecked up the game with this patch .. nothing to do with that rig you have, from the people with rigs that just runs it to the people with uber rigs to console owner, the patch broke the game no matter what kind of PC you have or console.
But they didn't. I've had no problems. Seriously, none at all. Therefore, it's
exactly about how the game runs on different PCs. The problems on launch were also mainly to do with specific rig specifications, which is why the majority of people did not run into problems, and some did.
Just wanted to quote this post for all the fanboyz out there claiming Bethesda can do no wrong. Your game runs fine, that is wonderful. (Your lying) but again why do I care. Truth is, this game doesn't even come close to a finished product.
You're a moron. An utter moron. You have a problem, so you extrapolate it and sensationalise it,
and then insist that everybody who hasn't had the problem is lying about it? I'm absolutely in awe of behaviour and comments. You're the reason Bethesda doesn't want to talk to the community.
Bethesda made a patch that [censored] up the game and it now crashes to desktop, has even more problems than before, and there are people here who are defending them?
This is ridiculous.
If people payed 50-60 $ for a game, they expect to play it. They have full right to complain.
Bethesda DOES own it's customers support, or the customers WILL stop buying these games. They exist because of customers, not the other way around.
I love how all the 'defenders' here would behave totally different if it was their game that crashes to desktop all the time.
No, they did not make a patch that [censored] up the game. They made a patch that they thought would fix the game, and an unintended side-effect of that patch was that many aspects of the game were now buggy. I don't see anything wrong with defending Bethesda; it's not as if they did it on purpose.
Yeah, people have the right to complain, but Bethesda have the right to not say anything.
And no, I wouldn't behave totally differently. For the first two weeks of owning Battlefield 3, it would almost never run, and when it did it was awful. Did I get mad? No. I just conceded that future patches and updates would work everything out, even if there were some problems. And, lo and behold, there were patches and driver optimisation, and now Battlefield 3 runs beautifully on my computer. I've encountered CTD errors in Skyrim a few times, and I don't get angry. Why? Because if I made a mistake on a report at work, I wouldn't expect the boss to throw a tantrum upon reading it, and proceed to email me, saying, "HEY, ASSBUTT MC[censored]FACE. YOUR REPORT svckS. I AM YOUR BOSS, AND I AM ENTITLED TO A GOOD REPORT; YOU'RE A USELESS [censored], AND YOU'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING GOOD TO ME. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? YOU USED TO BE SUCH A GREAT EMPLOYEE, BUT NOW YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING, AND YOU SHOULD JUST KILL YOURSELF. I'M GOING TO SUE YOU FOR FRAUD, AND EVERY OTHER PRIVATE LAW CONCEPT, BECAUSE I AM UNHAPPY."
No, instead my boss would email me saying, "Hey Callum, I noticed an error right here. Would you mind fixing that? Thanks."
In the weeks on this forum, I have
not once seen a polite request for a fix. Everybody just demands as if they're entitled to everything right now.
Thusly, Bethesda have an obligation to make prompt public statements on matters which reflect a high density of players.
Incorrect. They only have an obligation to fix the problem. They don't have to discuss it.