If we paid in good faith, expecting to get a finished product, then how can you say it removes our right to complain about bugs that *should not have been allowed to pass?*
Look, I love Bethesda, too. I have a huge selection of games I've bought from them. The are a quality outfit. Why do you think that I'm most of my posts have negative tones? Because I like to complain? You don't know me that well to make that kind of statement. The *fact* is that, while I am absolutely positive that the vast majority of the games bugs were worked out beforehand, another two weeks would have probably made this forum a much sweeter place to hang out in.
And I would like to add that, while *some* of Bethesda's games have had a rocky start, they have done a pretty bloody good job of fixing them up again, IMHO. I'm not complaing about just Bethesda. My complaints just happen to be coming out here. They are aimed at *any* company that releases software that has not gone through a serious amount of QA before being released.
I was responding directly to a post that said Bethesda has a history of not fixing bugs. So people buy buggy stuff apparently and know this beforehand but still continue to buy it anyways. And then come here and complain about it, even though they already knew Bethesda has this "history". I own plenty of Bethesda games, I know what they're about. I anticipated Skyrim greatly, preordered, got it out of the box. What I got *SHOCK* was exactly what I expected to get. It is a finished product, the bugs that are there were completely forseeable to anyone who has any experience playing Bethesda games or these types of games in general. To argue differently shows you are a newbie gamer or just not a rational person and condradicts all logic and prior comments about other Bethesda games. If anyone here was a newbie gamer I wouldnt hold them to the same standard, they probably didnt know what they were getting into at all. Thats a different story so yes, logically they would have a right to complain about it.
On the contrary, the mass bulk of the complaints are not coming from newbs, we all know that. And if your problem is bugs, YOU are the problem. Because you continue to buy software that has a "history" of being buggy. What a joke guys, honestly. If you dont want buggy stuff, vote with your wallet, dont pay for it then come here and whinge afterwards. WIth your complaints you arent helping at all to fix anything, you're perpetuating it, because they already got your money. So in the vast majority of instances, the whiners have themselves to blame. The people who are happy with the game were right to buy it, we are happy with what we got and are willing to pay for it again. But the effect of what you do is exactly the same, you paid for it but are not happy with what you got, even though we all knew already what we were getting. Its really entirely too late in the game now, you may as well join our side or start with the next Bethesda release and NOT BUY IT.
I know Im probably making entirely too much sense, and this wont help a thing. I guess Im just bored.