I think you are confusing the difference between someone doing something terrible to you, and someone failing to do something wonderful for you. Running over someone's dog is a terrible thing to do, and it's done with no reason.
Giving you a video game that doesn't work properly compares in no way to that. The video game is a toy, something for you to enjoy, it's a luxury. Not having it work properly for a little while is nothing even close to an injustice. This is the most common weakness in some of the complaints on this board, people tend to view Skyrim as something to which they are entitled.
For one thing, it's a luxury. Yes, you paid for it, but if you used your life savings on Skyrim you are either a little kid, or an idiot. Skyrim is something you buy with extra money, not with your grocery money. It's a toy, a luxury, not something you are going to need at any point in your life.
Secondly, you don't really have any rights in it to begin with. I'm not saying I agree with this, because I don't. I'm saying it's true. If you read the EULA and you read the copyright cases and the laws associated with this stuff, you'd see that video games are licensed, not sold. You don't own it. You don't own the box, the manual, the cd, the game, nothing. No law anywhere (in the USA) supports this idea that you have some vested right in the game. You never have, not even Morrowind. Look at my signature. It's a travesty, but it's true.
So while I understand a lot of people complaining about things that go wrong, I cannot understand at all why they take this so seriously. It's a game. A toy. When a toy breaks it's not the end of the world, it's just a toy. It's for fun, casual, spare time.
If fewer people would get so bent out of shape over this, and quit acting like Bethesda just insulted their grandmother, these boards would be a lot more peaceful.
no offense but are you serious?
if 1 of my cars wou?dn′t work after i bought it i would just get my money back - same here, skyrims buggy [censored]hell - and the game looks like crap on ultra settings with forced aa X16 you need so many HD tex mods that it doesn′t look like console [censored] from year 2006.... well they made it for consoles nothing more to say...