You claim they are working on a patch and we shouldnt complain. Well, have you thought that the ONLY reason they MAY be working on a patch is BEcause everyone IS complaining? If no one complained and pointed out the bugs, which they obviously had no idea existed, then they would thinki everything is just fine.
Whining about gameplay and about bugs are 2 totally differant things. When they do a patch and now the game is Unplayable for various reasons that were literally working yesterday before the patch, yeah, people have a reason to complain.
Deal with it and stop being a fan boy.
This thread is not in the tech support boards requesting technical assistance or reporting any bugs. This thread, and others like it, are not the reason Bethesda is making patches. They don't care about threads like this, where people rant and rave. They care about level-headed, calm, rational-thinking advlts reporting in an organized way glitches, bugs, and flaws with the game. With that sort of feedback they can accurately assess what the problems are, and gather system information that can help them determine the cause of the issue.
This thread, in no way whatsoever, helps with that.
I prefer the term "white knight". It's baffling to me why these people are so dead set against us petitioning to get our game back into a working state. It goes way beyond normal fanboyism.
That's why. Nobody here is "petitioning against" a working game. I'm just pointing out how useless a rant/rave/whine thread is when you could be using your energy and knowledge in a productive way, over in the support section.