It's time to make a statement Bethesda... [2]

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:20 pm

The problem isn't that we want a patch, it's that we don't want the patch, and we want the patch removed from our systems.

I wonder if there's a way to activate a copy of Skyrim over Steam without downloading the [censored] patches, each one breaking the game more than the last.

Ok. This is one very real drawback of using Steam. You can't choose which version to run. Maybe it's best that way, if this turns out to be a catastrophic failure, maybe Bethesda won't use Steam again. Hard to say.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:03 am

Deal with it and stop being a fan boy.

I prefer the term "white knight". It's baffling to me why these people are so dead set against us petitioning to get our game back into a working state. It goes way beyond normal fanboyism.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:18 pm

You claim they are working on a patch and we shouldnt complain. Well, have you thought that the ONLY reason they MAY be working on a patch is BEcause everyone IS complaining? If no one complained and pointed out the bugs, which they obviously had no idea existed, then they would thinki everything is just fine.

Whining about gameplay and about bugs are 2 totally differant things. When they do a patch and now the game is Unplayable for various reasons that were literally working yesterday before the patch, yeah, people have a reason to complain.

Deal with it and stop being a fan boy.

This thread is not in the tech support boards requesting technical assistance or reporting any bugs. This thread, and others like it, are not the reason Bethesda is making patches. They don't care about threads like this, where people rant and rave. They care about level-headed, calm, rational-thinking advlts reporting in an organized way glitches, bugs, and flaws with the game. With that sort of feedback they can accurately assess what the problems are, and gather system information that can help them determine the cause of the issue.

This thread, in no way whatsoever, helps with that.

I prefer the term "white knight". It's baffling to me why these people are so dead set against us petitioning to get our game back into a working state. It goes way beyond normal fanboyism.

That's why. Nobody here is "petitioning against" a working game. I'm just pointing out how useless a rant/rave/whine thread is when you could be using your energy and knowledge in a productive way, over in the support section.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:23 pm

Wow, for once I'm glad I never bother to pull the ethernet cord across the apartment to my 360 :) It does svck a little bit having to set the Xbox-clock every time but this makes up for it.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:45 pm

That's why. Nobody here is "petitioning against" a working game. I'm just pointing out how useless a rant/rave/whine thread is when you could be using your energy and knowledge in a productive way, over in the support section.

Well it's obvious that no one really cares how you think they should be spending their energy, so you are just as guilty of wasting your own. ;)
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:26 pm

This thread is not in the tech support boards requesting technical assistance or reporting any bugs. This thread, and others like it, are not the reason Bethesda is making patches. They don't care about threads like this, where people rant and rave. They care about level-headed, calm, rational-thinking advlts reporting in an organized way glitches, bugs, and flaws with the game. With that sort of feedback they can accurately assess what the problems are, and gather system information that can help them determine the cause of the issue.

This thread, in no way whatsoever, helps with that.

You are incorrect. this thread and every other thread about the patch shows the enormous failure of the patch in sheer number of angry players unable to play something that was working 24 hours earlier. Whing about the complainers is actually more of a waste than they original complainers. People like you who are trying to just brush this under the rug to keep the PR positive for the game/patch are the real problem.

People like you are the reason the game industry today allow sub par games and patches to be released because they know someone out there will try to justify and defend their actions.

YOU are part of the overall problem.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:46 pm

That's why. Nobody here is "petitioning against" a working game. I'm just pointing out how useless a rant/rave/whine thread is when you could be using your energy and knowledge in a productive way, over in the support section.

People are not ranting and raving in this particular thread. If anything, I think you are attempting to hijack it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:08 pm

They aren't going to do that. There's no documented indication that this patch created more problems than it fixed. Yes it created problems. The people that see problems are showing up on these boards to point them out.

However, it also fixed a lot of problems. Those people are not all showing up here to tell us about that though.

This is a very good post, and here is a question: can bethesda know how many ppl have had gameplay-damaging issues by the release of said patch? Surely these forums are not the source... There are thousands or 'this svcks' threads to lose time on such things, but there has to be a way so they can know what and ahy went wrong.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:07 pm

Patch rollback and official statement with an ETA for the next, working patch, please.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:05 pm

lol Kizkut. You and I have done the exact same thing as far as Bethesda is concerned: bought the game.

The question is, are you going to help them fix it, or not? Everyone here has Skyrim, that's their market incentive right there. Done. However, only some of us are helping them get useful patches out. Others are spamming up the boards with useless complaints.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:38 pm

More problems after the patch than before the patch for me. And I can't figure out why anyone would want to just stay quiet and let "whatever happens, happens".

I really enjoy Skyrim, and small bugs and glitches I can live with simply because of the nature of the game. But people need to speak up, especially if they care about the game, because whether you like it or not, we're basically helping test the game. Obviously not in a literal sense, and it's not like they shipped a beta. But think about how much faster a group of gamers (by the thousands) can discover bugs, compared to a testing crew of 15-30 people (or whatever size group of testers they have).

I am not saying that I agree with releasing a product with expectations of consumer testing, but that's what happens with games these days. It's up to us to get that information out there, not just sit on it and hope Bethesda finds out on their own.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:21 pm

lol Kizkut. You and I have done the exact same thing as far as Bethesda is concerned: bought the game.

The question is, are you going to help them fix it, or not? Everyone here has Skyrim, that's their market incentive right there. Done. However, only some of us are helping them get useful patches out. Others are spamming up the boards with useless complaints.

If you will notice, I just joined the boards, cause I have been playing the game happily until yesterday.

Yes, I am angry, yes, I am an advlt and have experienced things like this in games since the 90s.

The tech thread is already over 1000 posts long and on its 5th thread.

And still NO response from Beth at all!!!!

Since when is it MY job to help THEM fix their game?

When I buy a car from a dealer and take it back cause of a problem I Do NOT help them fix it.

Why is lousy customer service accepted in the game industry as a fact of life?
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:50 pm

Patch rollback and official statement with an ETA for the next, working patch, please.

I heard they were going to release an updated patch today, but then they all took an arrow to the knee...
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Elena Alina
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:00 am

Gorath, those links you posted are completely irrelevant to what is being discussed. The patches have broken features of the game. What does it matter how many copies were sold or whether the original listed sys reqs were correct?

Very simple. The game has worked all along for most of the game buyers, leaving a few noisy ones behind, many of whom have only a tenuous complaint anyway, since their systems would be unsupported had anyone at Bethesda with half of a brain actually paid attention to the official published requirements. Out of millions of game players, even a small percentage amounts to thousands of unhappy people, but they still should expect no more out of Bethesda than a small minority qualifies them to receive.

Bethesda won't suddenly undergo any massive change in corporate outlook just because of a little forum hoopla. Similar situations existed six years ago with the release of Oblivion, including the really stupid system requirements they published for that one. None of their inside people were directed to interact with forum members then; no more likely to happen now.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:42 am

Very simple. The game has worked all along for most of the game buyers, leaving a few noisy ones behind, many of whom have only a tenuous complaint anyway, since their systems would be unsupported had anyone at Bethesda with half of a brain actually paid attention to the official published requirements. Out of millions of game players, even a small percentage amounts to thousands of unhappy people, but they still should expect no more out of Bethesda than a small minority qualifies them to receive.

Bethesda won't suddenly undergo any massive change in corporate outlook just because of a little forum hoopla. Similar situations existed six years ago with the release of Oblivion, including the really stupid system requirements they published for that one. None of their inside people were directed to interact with forum members then; no more likely to happen now.

The game worked mostly fine for me too after I patched it for LAA, but today's patch broke it. That's what this thread is about. It is not about how the game was broken from the start (although many things were). THAT is why your links are irrelevant.
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luke trodden
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:53 pm

If you will notice, I just joined the boards, cause I have been playing the game happily until yesterday.

Yes, I am angry, yes, I am an advlt and have experienced things like this in games since the 90s.

The tech thread is already over 1000 posts long and on its 5th thread.

And still NO response from Beth at all!!!!

Since when is it MY job to help THEM fix their game?

When I buy a car from a dealer and take it back cause of a problem I Do NOT help them fix it.

Why is lousy customer service accepted in the game industry as a fact of life?

When you take your car back to the dealer, do you just say "It's broken, fix it," or do you tell them what's wrong?

Look I understand that you are frustrated, you should be. The game needs to work when we play it, we all know that. Bethesda knows that. They won't be able to sell TES VI if they can't get this one to work.

All I'm saying is that there are good ways to address the problem, and there are bad ways to address the problem. The more people that use the good ways, the faster and the better that patches will be. That's all.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:34 pm

Have you looked at the unofficial bug list thread? It's 1) huge and 2) pretty detailed on how/when/where to make it manifest.

People ARE trying.

A quick scan count would say that list is over 500 issues in length.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:28 am

When you buy a game, what do you actually think Bethesda's obligation to you is? To provide you with a working game, or to tell you that they are going to provide you with a working game?

Fact is, if you read your EULA you will most likely see an "As Is" clause in there, which basically states they have no obligations to you at all. They can go "Oh, well, it worked on our computers." and wash their hands of it.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:27 am

Fact is, if you read your EULA you will most likely see an "As Is" clause in there, which basically states they have no obligations to you at all. They can go "Oh, well, it worked on our computers." and wash their hands of it.

I know, it's scary. Look at my sig :P
Let's not get into EULAs right now, that's a sore spot for me. I'm as likely to blow a gasket as a rabid 6 year old talking about those. They absolutely defy everything I know and love about property, social wealth, and consumer protection.
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:26 am

Jesus Christ quit whining people. forum looks like a 5th grade class room.

Why do you people feel the need to start 50 f'ing threads on the same subject. grow up.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:06 pm

Guys, discuss the topic but DO NOT start attacking other members for their opinions.
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:16 pm

When you take your car back to the dealer, do you just say "It's broken, fix it," or do you tell them what's wrong?

Well... if I just bought a brand new car I'd flip out on them. I don't want something fixed on my brand new car; I want it perfect from the factory... that's why I'd have paid the premium for buying a new car. Like this new AAA piece of... software. If I'd have bought it for 4.99 in a Steam sale, maybe I'd be quite willing to put up with some growing pains. But that's not how things work in the real world. When I pay full price for a product, whatever it is, I expect it to work darn near perfectly. Look at any forum or review site for LCD monitors. Do a search for "dead pixels." Now if a monitors' maximum resolution is 1920x1080 that means it has 2073600 pixels in the screen; and if even one of them is dead or dodgy, any consumer would howl. I'd want it replaced immediately. The attitude of many on this forum would suggest that one dead pixel out of over 2 million is not a big deal... that maybe they'll release a firmware update that will correct the problem someday!
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:46 am

Well... if I just bought a brand new car I'd flip out on them. I don't want something fixed on my brand new car; I want it perfect from the factory... that's why I'd have paid the premium for buying a new car. Like this new AAA piece of... software. If I'd have bought it for 4.99 in a Steam sale, maybe I'd be quite willing to put up with some growing pains. But that's not how things work in the real world. When I pay full price for a product, whatever it is, I expect it to work darn near perfectly. Look at any forum or review site for LCD monitors. Do a search for "dead pixels." Now if a monitors' maximum resolution is 1920x1080 that means it has 2073600 pixels in the screen; and if even one of them is dead or dodgy, any consumer would howl. I'd want it replaced immediately. The attitude of many on this forum would suggest that one dead pixel out of over 2 million is not a big deal... that maybe they'll release a firmware update that will correct the problem someday!

The only thing I would point out is that cars are machines and games are software. They function completely differently. Machines are mechanical, you can usually test them, and if they are working, they will work. Furthermore, machines wear out over time and are more and more likely to break with each passing year. If you have a ten year old car and it breaks, nobody is surprised.

Software is the exact opposite. It is most likely to fail immediately after it's made, because it hasn't been tested in every situation and on every platform. As the years go by, though, it's more and more likely to be stable and continue to work.

So while yes, your car should work immediately upon purchase and will probably fail after a few years in some way, the same does not hold true for a video game, because it's not a machine that operates on physics and mechanics.
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El Goose
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:55 pm

Let's be fair if we're insisting on using car anologies its more like:

Finding a problem.
Taking it back
Getting it back with the minor problem fixed but another big problem added.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:58 pm

Let's be fair if we're insisting on using car anologies its more like:

Finding a problem.
Taking it back
Getting it back with the minor problem fixed but another big problem added.

Problem I have with most people who are relentlessly beating this topic to death is, you knew gamesas released buggy games. It is no secret. Every single review has said no different about this one. You go buy a car with out doing any research on its quality, it is your own fault if you end up with an desirable vehicle with issues. Buyer Beware.
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