It's time to make a statement Bethesda... [2]

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:31 am

Patch helps more than it hurts

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Danii Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:18 pm

Ah, so, because it is a 'luxury', we can't expect to get a luxury that WORKS for our money? Ok. Thank you for that bit of wisdom.

You fail. It does work, it is just not perfect. You knew it would not work perfectly when you bought it, and still bought it. Besides that, nothing in gamesas's history shows it will not, not support game. So you have to wait a few weeks/months before everything tis fleshed out, a bit annoying I know, but its what you have to deal with when you buy a gamesas game at launch or almost any game now a days with some being better than others. Whine all you want but you can not escape your own ignorance when you purchased this game at launch. This has nothing to do with defending gamesas and everything to do with people whining like 5th graders over and over and over again with out acknowledging their own ignorance that put themselves in this position.

Look at the last days activity and see how many different threads are about this. It is annoying to come here to read about the game and see 30 threads all talking about the same thing, most of which being trivial [censored].
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:24 pm

Wow some [censored] here are over the top, actually telling us we should just expect buggy games from Beth. Thats an insult to bethseda. We should expect improvement over the years.

Most people complaining complain because they love the game.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:44 pm

You fail. It does work, it is just not perfect. You knew it would not work perfectly when you bought it, and still bought it. Besides that, nothing in gamesas's history shows it will not, not support game. So you have to wait a few weeks/months before everything tis fleshed out, a bit annoying I know, but its what you have to deal with when you buy a gamesas game at launch. Whine all you want but you can not escape your own ignorance when you purchased this game at launch. This has nothing to do with defending gamesas and everything to do with people whining like 5th graders over and over and over again.

You don't need to be so mean about it. He has a point, the game needs to be fixed. The point I'm trying to make is that everyone, you, me, him, and anyone else, needs to stop being so deeply serious about the topic. Insults like this don't actually encourage anyone to change their position, they just create loggerheads on two sides of what should be something you agree on.

We all think the game needs a patch. WHY are we fighting over whether the game needs a patch? It's dumb. We all need to stop with the flame throwing and focus on getting information to Bethesda that can help them fix issues. If you don't want to help them fix issues, that's fine, but try not to take everything so seriously. And certainly don't try to get in the way of people that do want to help.

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natalie mccormick
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:40 pm

would be nice if Beth would give us a statement. Do we not have community reps here?
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:17 am

I'll make a statement: I want my $60 back.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:24 pm

bethesda seems to have a very serious problem when it comes to public statements.

their ardent refusal to say anything is extremely frustrating and ultimately forces us to believe or expect the worst from them.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:09 pm

I used to complain about bugs too once, then I took an arrow to the knee.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:33 am

You don't need to be so mean about it. He has a point, the game needs to be fixed. The point I'm trying to make is that everyone, you, me, him, and anyone else, needs to stop being so deeply serious about the topic. Insults like this don't actually encourage anyone to change their position, they just create loggerheads on two sides of what should be something you agree on.

We all think the game needs a patch. WHY are we fighting over whether the game needs a patch? It's dumb. We all need to stop with the flame throwing and focus on getting information to Bethesda that can help them fix issues. If you don't want to help them fix issues, that's fine, but try not to take everything so seriously. And certainly don't try to get in the way of people that do want to help.


I'm not fighting, I'm just pointing how ignorant it is of people making the same thread over and over again and whinging about the same stuff over and over again. Clutters the space for more interesting topics and long as they clutter, I'm going to troll.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:53 am

bethesda seems to have a very serious problem when it comes to public statements.

their ardent refusal to say anything is extremely frustrating and ultimately forces us to believe or expect the worst from them.

Poor poor Skyrim. :D

You should've had Jason Bergman as Project director, like New Vegas. Bergman was the bomb: he pvssyd with us on the forums all the time, always tried to keep us up to date with events. :disguise:
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:36 pm

would be nice if Beth would give us a statement. Do we not have community reps here?

I don't think that Bethesda tasks Gstaff with placating complainers. Only after something different is much closer to being complete is he or another of gamesas's people likely to post a sticky telling us what is coming soon.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:12 am

It'd be better if they just give us the damn Creation kit already so we can make our own patches.. The ones they make seem to be rubbish everytime anyway.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:54 pm

I'd rather they fix the problems then waste time giving us a statement.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:09 pm

Yeah, my dragons are now escaping infinitely when their health is low. This is even more realistic! :D I could only expect that they would do something to make up for all this, that's all.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:15 am

Poor poor Skyrim. :D

You should've had Jason Bergman as Project director, like New Vegas. Bergman was the bomb: he pvssyd with us on the forums all the time, always tried to keep us up to date with events. :disguise:

Please no. With all due respect to everyone who works at Bethesda, Craig Boone in Fallout New Vegas is still broken and they stopped patching. They broke him in a patch in December 2010 and 3 patches later in September 2011, no matter how often I posted about it in the bugs forum with as much information as I could gather and I kept bumping the post up and sending it in to the developers, it was still never fixed. Josh Sawyer even posted back a thank you for explaining what was didn't help.

Like I said, with all due respect...and I love these games but Craig Boone in FNV is my A-Bomb from Oblivion.

I believe they're working hard on the Skyrim patch and will believe that until I see otherwise. Gstaff said they were investigating. There are a lot of things to look for and they interconnect so it's not an easy thing. That's why patches can introduce new bugs.

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Kevin Jay
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:10 pm

It'd be better if they just give us the damn Creation kit already so we can make our own patches.. The ones they make seem to be rubbish everytime anyway.

No sense making "fixes" with a creation kit, when they will break after a new patch, because the program-mechanics and bugs have been fixed, or worsened, thus, nullifying any user-patches...

They have to solidify the game before they release the construction kit... or all changes are mute, and will only lead to more destruction with hack-fixes from users. Like the LAA patch, and texture-patches, and other GUI patches...

I'd rather have them solidify the game to minimal bugs, create stability so it doesn't crash, and fix the obvious quest glitches which we all reported. Then release the editor, for us to continue to fix where they fail to extend support, because they will be working on re-writing the next game engine, and next game content.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:09 pm

They've made a bit of a comment about a statement here:§ion=findpost&pid=19575223

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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:44 pm

Deleted: because I put it in the wrong thread. Now please continue :whistling:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:46 am

Like I said in another thread, their mouthpieces were talking away during the lead-up into Skyrim; dragons, horses, 300 hours of content, oh my! Now that it's broken, the silence is deafening. Not a peep. An "update is coming" update isn't an update.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:11 am

I think you are confusing the difference between someone doing something terrible to you, and someone failing to do something wonderful for you. Running over someone's dog is a terrible thing to do, and it's done with no reason.

Giving you a video game that doesn't work properly compares in no way to that. The video game is a toy, something for you to enjoy, it's a luxury. Not having it work properly for a little while is nothing even close to an injustice. This is the most common weakness in some of the complaints on this board, people tend to view Skyrim as something to which they are entitled.

For one thing, it's a luxury. Yes, you paid for it, but if you used your life savings on Skyrim you are either a little kid, or an idiot. Skyrim is something you buy with extra money, not with your grocery money. It's a toy, a luxury, not something you are going to need at any point in your life.

Secondly, you don't really have any rights in it to begin with. I'm not saying I agree with this, because I don't. I'm saying it's true. If you read the EULA and you read the copyright cases and the laws associated with this stuff, you'd see that video games are licensed, not sold. You don't own it. You don't own the box, the manual, the cd, the game, nothing. No law anywhere (in the USA) supports this idea that you have some vested right in the game. You never have, not even Morrowind. Look at my signature. It's a travesty, but it's true.

So while I understand a lot of people complaining about things that go wrong, I cannot understand at all why they take this so seriously. It's a game. A toy. When a toy breaks it's not the end of the world, it's just a toy. It's for fun, casual, spare time.

If fewer people would get so bent out of shape over this, and quit acting like Bethesda just insulted their grandmother, these boards would be a lot more peaceful.

owning a car is a luxury, but if you buy one that doesnt work are you going to say thanks and leave it at that?
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:18 pm

Buy an Xbox.

Good day.

An excellent example of the "fail troll" meme. Your subtle commentary on the state of the internet is both accurate and genius.

Seriously though, all platforms are reporting similar bugs. Take a look at the support forums for the 360 and PS3, they're all reporting at least:
-Backwards (or otherwise odd) dragons,
-Broken resistances.

I'm sure this is already Bethesda's priority number one, and while it would be great to hear something from them now, that's generally not how huge companies do PR. We'll likely hear an announcement as soon as they've figured out what's going on. As far as their QA handling, I can't defend that... someone should've caught this stuff in at least one of their 3 platforms.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:16 pm

Please no. With all due respect to everyone who works at Bethesda, Craig Boone in Fallout New Vegas is still broken and they stopped patching. They broke him in a patch in December 2010 and 3 patches later in September 2011, no matter how often I posted about it in the bugs forum with as much information as I could gather and I kept bumping the post up and sending it in to the developers, it was still never fixed. Josh Sawyer even posted back a thank you for explaining what was didn't help.

Like I said, with all due respect...and I love these games but Craig Boone in FNV is my A-Bomb from Oblivion.

I believe they're working hard on the Skyrim patch and will believe that until I see otherwise. Gstaff said they were investigating. There are a lot of things to look for and they interconnect so it's not an easy thing. That's why patches can introduce new bugs.


Your missing the point, imho, Longknife tries to make. For the most part and for a significant majority of people playing FO:NV, the game after all patches and DLC's is relatively stable and mostly bug free. So you still have a major issue which isn't and will not be fixed. Bummer (no irony intended).
What Longknife means is that the majority of the frequent occurring bugs were adressed by Jason Bergman. They patched most of it but were always honest and upfront in communicating with their fanbase/consumers. Like I stated in other threads: Giving Estimates for possible patches, tips on workarounds etc...
This, let me stress this. does not mean that FO:NV was patched 100% or that after its final patch became flawless and even that it's a bit od no more patching was done after the final DLC. However in that long road towards that point in time, for the majority of the time Bergman and its team at least showed they were aware that their game had issues and acknowledged them.
This is exactly what bethesda should do. It is the essence of good PR and Customer Management.. acknowledge your mistakes and communicate how/when it will be fixed.
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:45 am

OH MY GOD! Can you guys give them a couple days? THIS GAME IS HUGE! The reason the bugs werent seen is because the game is HUGE! No one group of developers could possibly catch everything in a world this big and detailed. If it bothers you so much that you have to complain like this then play something else or DONT PLAY AT ALL. Its not being a really devoted fan to say good stuff about this game in a thread like this either. And everyone keeps saying that it broke more then it fixed...I'm sorry are you on the dev team at gamesas? Do you know what they fixed exactly in this patch? The game is massive. The bottom line is there is NO way to figure out all the bugs in a game this big and have them all fixed before release because without an audience this large there is just no way they would all be found. And i'm quite sure a year from now bugs will still be found. And they will work on fixing them. Going through that much code takes time. You would think that gamers would understand that. I'm not defending anyone either, its just common sense guys. Give them a break for gods sake..its one of the best games ever made. They will come out with a patch as soon as its ready and worth releasing. Just imagine if they released a patch today and it had some major problem in it because they rushed guys would be out for blood. And no, rolling back the patch isn't an option either. Because you don't know how many bugs it fixed that may have been much worse then the current ones. Take it easy guys...its a GAME.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:13 am

Your missing the point, imho, Longknife tries to make. For the most part and for a significant majority of people playing FO:NV, the game after all patches and DLC's is relatively stable and mostly bug free. So you still have a major issue which isn't and will not be fixed. Bummer (no irony intended).
What Longknife means is that the majority of the frequent occurring bugs were adressed by Jason Bergman. They patched most of it but were always honest and upfront in communicating with their fanbase/consumers. Like I stated in other threads: Giving Estimates for possible patches, tips on workarounds etc...
This, let me stress this. does not mean that FO:NV was patched 100% or that after its final patch became flawless and even that it's a bit od no more patching was done after the final DLC. However in that long road towards that point in time, for the majority of the time Bergman and its team at least showed they were aware that their game had issues and acknowledged them.
This is exactly what bethesda should do. It is the essence of good PR and Customer Management.. acknowledge your mistakes and communicate how/when it will be fixed.

The reason I've stopped listening to all the screaming that goes on around here is because so much of it is unreasonable. The threads screaming for an explanation happened so fast after the patch and after people were told Bethesda was investigating. My point in the post you replied to was that I didn't want Jason Bergman on this and I think you missed that. I started off with it...see my post in reply to the other one suggesting that?

As much as the bug that bothers me in FNV makes it unplayable to me on my PS3 version (I bought 2, you see), I still love the game and still play it. I can do that because a talented modder fixed Craig Boone on my PC version so the character, a main character in the game, is not a zombie.

I have my reasons for feeling as I do because I tried so hard to get that FNVbug fixed for everyone and ended up beating my head against a brick wall. That was that experience and I had to accept it. I understand people are upset now about Skyrim but being reasonable about the complaints would go a long way...and some people are just stupid nasty, ugh. Sincerely/honestly...we'll all be here after it's fixed but some people should be embarrassed by their own behavior.

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Alex [AK]
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:43 pm

There is no need for a statement. I don't care about statements Bethesda makes. I learnt not to trust their lies a long time ago. You shouldn't either.

Anybody can rembember the lies Oblivion devs told us?

Just google it.
"Which Oblivion Dev Lied The Most"
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