Please no. With all due respect to everyone who works at Bethesda, Craig Boone in Fallout New Vegas is still broken and they stopped patching. They broke him in a patch in December 2010 and 3 patches later in September 2011, no matter how often I posted about it in the bugs forum with as much information as I could gather and I kept bumping the post up and sending it in to the developers, it was still never fixed. Josh Sawyer even posted back a thank you for explaining what was didn't help.
Like I said, with all due respect...and I love these games but Craig Boone in FNV is my A-Bomb from Oblivion.
I believe they're working hard on the Skyrim patch and will believe that until I see otherwise. Gstaff said they were investigating. There are a lot of things to look for and they interconnect so it's not an easy thing. That's why patches can introduce new bugs.
Your missing the point, imho, Longknife tries to make. For the most part and for a significant majority of people playing FO:NV, the game after all patches and DLC's is relatively stable and mostly bug free. So you still have a major issue which isn't and will not be fixed. Bummer (no irony intended).
What Longknife means is that the majority of the frequent occurring bugs were adressed by Jason Bergman. They patched most of it but were always honest and upfront in communicating with their fanbase/consumers. Like I stated in other threads: Giving Estimates for possible patches, tips on workarounds etc...
This, let me stress this. does not mean that FO:NV was patched 100% or that after its final patch became flawless and even that it's a bit od no more patching was done after the final DLC. However in that long road towards that point in time, for the majority of the time Bergman and its team at least showed they were aware that their game had issues and acknowledged them.
This is exactly what bethesda should do. It is the essence of good PR and Customer Management.. acknowledge your mistakes and communicate how/when it will be fixed.