Time Manager Readme
by Tekuromoto
Download at http://bit.ly/13Z3Rp
Time Manager is a multi-function suite of time-related functions, including Variable Timescale, Immersive Waiting, Timed Training and Timed Menus, Clock Display featuring an immersive timekeeping option, and a Realtime Alarm Clock.
I was inspired to make Time Manager after trying a bunch of different mods with time-related features; either they didn't do all that I wanted, or they were bundled with a bunch of features I didn't need, or I simply felt I could improve upon their implementation. Thus Time Manager was born.
Oblivion Script Extender version 17. Get the latest version here: http://obse.silverlock.org/
Pluggy version 126. Get the latest version here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23979
You MUST have OBSE v17 and Pluggy v126 to use all of the features of this mod. If you for some inexplicable reason do not want to install Pluggy v126, you still be able to use most of the features of the mod, but the Realtime Alarm will not work and you will not be given the Alarm config item. If Time Manages doesn't work as expected, please ensure that you have the latest versions of OBSE and Pluggy installed before reporting any bugs.
Time Manager was developed with Oblivion 1.2.0416, OBSE v17a, Pluggy v126, and over 200 mods of all sorts installed (Fran's, MMM, COBL, body replacers, Race Balancing Project, LAME, All Natural, Better Cities, Unique Landscapes, quests, you name it). I haven't tested it with Shivering Isles or any DLCs (because I don't have them), but it _should_ work just fine with any setup.
Time Manager comes packaged in omod-ready format. If you use OBMM, simply select "create" to make a new omod, "add archive" and select the .zip file you downloaded, import the included omod conversion data, and hit "create omod". Once it's finished (it should be lightning fast since there are no textures or anything fancy), double-click the new omod in your list.
If you prefer to install manually, simply unzip the contents of the archive to your Oblivion\data\ directory. You can delete the "omod conversion data" folder, but it won't hurt anything if you leave it alone.
If you installed manually, you will have to activate the mod using either the Oblivion Launcher or Wrye Bash. OBMM/omod installation automatically activates the .esp file when you activate the .omod.
Once the files are in place and the .esp is activated, simply fire up Oblivion (with the OBSE launcher, of course).
Load order should not matter: everything in the mod is new, and no vanilla items are changed - all of the scripts and objects are original. Even if you have a mod active that sets the timescale, such as one of the Fran's Timescale/Respawn mini-mods, it shouldn't matter because TM changes the timescale on-the-fly (assuming you use the Variable Timescale function).
No special steps are required to upgrade to v1.2 of Time Manager, however it is always a good idea to make a backup of your saved game before installing, upgrading, or removing any mod.
If you're upgrading from v1.0, note that there is a new configuration file with several new settings as of v1.1, so you will need to edit the new file with your preferences after installing the new version. It would be best to backup your v1.0 ini file before overwriting it with the new one if you made lots of changes to it.
Time Manager features six separate optional modules, each of which is fully customizable via the included file "DS Time Manager.ini". This file is located in \Oblivion\data\, but if you prefer to tidy your Data directory the mod will also look in \Oblivion\data\ini\ for the config file.
By default, the mod is usable out-of-the-box with the values in the ini file, but you can open the file with Notepad or something similar and adjust the values to your liking. Any of the modules can be turned on or off (via the ini file) at any time without affecting the other functions of the mod.
Variable Timescale
This function allows you to set the time in the game to pass at different rates depending upon where you are and what your are doing in the game. The default timescale for Oblivion is 30; this means that for every minute that passes in real life, 30 pass in the game. If you play for an hour, almost a day-and-a-half go by in the game. While this may feel realistic when traveling from city to city, it's not very realistic to finish a battle with a couple of opponents and look up to find that the sun has travelled half way across the sky since you started fighting. Conversely, setting the timescale to a lower value - some people even play with the timescale set to 1! - can make the gameworld feel very compressed: with a low timescale, it's possible to walk the length and breadth of Cyrodiil in a couple of game hours, the opposite of the combat problem above.
TM's Variable Timescale function lets you set different timescales for combat, while sneaking (whether or not your character is detected), or while in interiors, towns, Oblivion realms, or the wide world in general. Setting the world timescale to the default of 30 (or even higher) lets you feel like time is actually passing while you're travelling from place to place, while setting the combat timescale to, say, 5, makes time seem to slow down in combat. Note that this only affects how fast time passes in the game - how many game minutes pass in a real minute - and is not a slow motion sort of effect. It is also fully compatible with "bullet-time" type effects from mods like Deadly Reflex.
There are two modes for the "fallout behaviour" of Variable Timescale. The first, mode 0 (the default), checks for your character's location or situation in the following order: is in combat --> is sneaking --> is in an interior (including dungeons, shops, Oblvion dungeons, etc) --> is outside in Tamriel (the regular world) --> is outside in an Oblivion plane.
The first parameter that tests true for your character is what your timescale is set to. If all of the checks fail, the Town timescale is used.
The second, mode 1, always uses the lowest applicable timescale. For example, if you're sneaking and in combat in a dungeon, the lower of CombatTimescale, SneakingTimescale and InteriorTimescale will be used.
If you dislike the idea of abrupt timescale changes when you change from one location or situation to another, you can ativate the SlowTimescaleChange option. Setting this to anything over 0 will cause the timescale to tick downwards towards the new timescale at a rate of once every number of seconds you choose, and tick upwards half as fast. That is, setting it to 1 will cause the timescale to tick downwards one unit (30 to 29 to 28...) every 1 second, and upwards one unit every 2 seconds. I recommend not setting this much higher than 5 or so, or it can take an awfully long time to adjust from (for example) a low Interior timescale to a high World timescale. Even when using this option, the timescale will change instantly when entering combat or when toggling in or out of sneaking mode (assuming you're using values other than 0 for these timescale options).
Configuring Variable Timescale in the ini file is simple: enable the function and select the values you'd like to use for each of the timescale settings, select the fallout mode you wish to use, and adjust the SlowTimescaleChange setting to suit your tastes.
Immersive Waiting
This function replaces the standard Oblivion waiting count-down messagebox with an immersive, real-time view of the world passing by as you wait. Pressing the wait key (T by default) will bring up a menu asking how long you'd like to wait, or if you'd like to wait indefinitely. Once you begin waiting, you can press the wait key again to stop waiting at any time, or you will automatically stop waiting when the time you've chosen has elapsed or if someone (or something) hostile approaches.
While waiting, the timescale is turned waaay up - by default, to 60 times the normal speed. This makes a single game hour go by in 2 realworld seconds. To compensate for this accelerated time all nearby actors are sped up considerably to help them get where they need to be on time, according to their AI packages. Sometimes they get a little confused though, especially if you adjust the timescale even higher. They may get confused and start standing about looking lost, but they will regain their senses once you stop waiting and will get on with their lives after an hour or two pass. Actors are also prevented from talking to eachother or to the player to help preserve the illusion of time zipping by.
One caveat for Immersive Waiting concerns the so-called "survival" mods: those that give you character the requirement to eat, drink, and/or sleep. Depending on how the particular survival mod functions, changing the timescale may adversely affect its function. You may also be subject to massive message spam as your character gets hunger/thirst/sleep messages while you're waiting. I know that Vim & Vigor Advanced in particular does not play nice with timescale changes due to the nature of the mod. This would be especially true if you used the purge magic effects option (see configuration, below) because the meals in VVA are essentially long-duration potion effects.
Immersive Waiting has a number of options that you can configure in the ini file. You can set the timescale you want to wait at (see the notes in the ini file). Setting the timescale really high (over 4800 or so) is neat for just watching the sun and stars wheel by but tends to really confuse NPCs, and will possibly play havok with any survival mods you may be running. You can toggle the display of timekeeping messages while waiting, as well as select the format for the messages (see Clock Display, below, for more on the clock formats). The messages are timed to try to reduce message spam: they only appear every 3 seconds, no matter how many hours are passing per second. You can also toggle a visual blur effect while waiting, and select whether or not the game will save before waiting starts. Finally, you can opt to have any timed effects (ie, potion or spell effects) dispelled when waiting starts. This option exists because the duration for spell effects is in real world seconds; passing 10 game hours in 20 seconds and still having your Night Eye or Fire Shield in effect isn't very realistic. Unfortunately there is no option to adjust the duration of active effects at this time. Perhaps this feature will be in OBSE v18, but for now the only option is to remove them or ignore the timekeeping inconsistency.
Timed Training
This feature allows you to specify an amount of time that you want to have pass every time you use a trainer to train one of your skills. Simply change the setting in the ini file to the number of hours you want to have the clock adjusted by for each skill level you gain. Be careful not to set this too high and then train a bunch of times in a row if you're using a survival mod, or you may exit the training menu to find that you're debilitated by hunger or some such.
Timed Menus
Normally, whenever you have a menu open the game is on pause. No time passes in the game when you are in your inventory or checking your stats, or mixing potions or buying equipment, or even just talking to the locals. The Timed Menus function of Time Manager aims to solve this problem. What TM does not - and cannot - do is make the game world carry on while the menu is open. This cannot be achieved with the game engine. The game is on pause when any kind of menu is open. Timed Menus simply records the elapsed time and adds it to gametime once the menu is closed.
There are 6 different menu types that you can configure the realtime to gametime ratio for: the character menus (stats, inventory, etc), interaction menus (barter, dialog, etc), containers (any non-barter containers), books, lockpicking, and repairing/crafting (repair, alchemy, spellmaking, etc). By default each realtime second in the menu is converted to a gametime second and added to the game clock when you exit the menu.
You can also opt to set a timescale multiple for each menu type. The way it works is simple: With