I've just been abusing my xbox today by playing Skyrim for 14 hours straight (injured and have a physical job). Its been the first time I've really had a go at the game. Theres some points that really frustrate me still (lots of controversal ones, I liked morrowind too much), but I suddenly like the game a lot more than I did previously. I am considering buying a PC to play it, for mods etc. I played (am playing sometimes) MW with mods on my less than awesome laptop, and I know how much of a difference they make.
As I mentioned earlier, I have a physical job, this is in part due to my distinct lack of computer literacy. I haven't really looked at buying a PC for ages, havent upgraded since like 2006, but I'm sure some of you guys know a lot more than me about this.. After playing Skyrim, what are your thoughts on minimum specs to play (not asking for max settings, just to be able to run it nicely & definitely better than xbox haha) and does anyone have any idea how much it would cost? Also, those of you with wives/girlfriends, how do you justify spending the money? =)!
A depressed xbox user.
Well people can just type in specs here and there, that won't really help you out.
What we need to know is, what kind of games do you want to play?
Don't build a computer just for one game, are there any future games that you know of that you want to play.
The most important thing in building your own PC is.....preparing for the future.
I don't know where you're from [country] so i don't know the prices etc.
I'm from Sweden [god you have to love the computer part prices here].
If you want you can just PM me and we can talk it over there.
lack of computer literacy, that's what the TC said.
And i see alot of i just bought a GTX bla bla bla, guys remember to take it easy. CPU this and that.