so the Alik'r were the good guys. i agreed to help Saadia and i like to honor contracts. but she was lying. the alik'r could have been lying about a peaceful settlement in their hideout. so next time i will take the alik'r side.
so the Alik'r were the good guys. i agreed to help Saadia and i like to honor contracts. but she was lying. the alik'r could have been lying about a peaceful settlement in their hideout. so next time i will take the alik'r side.
Truth in that one it hard to tell, both sides could be lying. but for me the way the mercs behave tell me they are jerks, with the random encounters and how they got in trouble... not exactly the actions of good guys
The characters of mine who get involved in this have always taken Saadia's side. I believe that we do not know who is lying. And I like it that way. I can't stand stories with "good guys" and "bad guys."
I've still got this quest waiting to be finished
The woman's story seems kinda shaky, but she's fearful and alone.
The Mercs' story seems pretty solid, but their leader could just be a smooth-talker and they also go around harassing redguard women.
nothing adds up and no one seems to be telling the truth.
Saadia's story doesn't make sense.
Kematu's makes better sense (because I believe he is gifted with a silver tongue) but the actions of his men and hiding behind bandits...
I always side with Saadia. I don't back out on my word and while I don't exactly trust her, all she ever did was pull a dagger on me. Kematu and his men pulled curved swords. CURVED SWORDS!
Last time I did the quest. I gave Saadia to them for money and then killed the leader and Saadia ends up getting back up and attacking me for no reason and Derkeethus killed her for that... So both sides are dead.
And the soldiers are still looking for her! (Harassing redguard women and such).
This bugs me the most... I mean I kill Kematu every time. So now the guards and stop talking about "Have you seen those men from Hammerfell?" Or the guys on the road should realize the two of them are no match for who ever took out their whole group. Maybe they should stop harassing women and go home. Although I usually kill those I come across on the road. I do have to be careful or the woman spots me and I get a bounty LOL
I normally one-shot the naked redguard lady with my crossbow and watch as the two men take out their scimitars in confusion and eventually put them away and start walking... Then I sneak up and assassinate both without the other knowing (Since they walking following one another).
I let her live, defeats the purpose of being a knight in shining armor saving the damsel in distress
I've done both ways many times. Now just to save time I just go to Rorikstead and tell them where she is at. Turn her in, get a quick 500 gold and move on.
If I just had to be a judge and pick who I thought was lying, it would be her. Her story just doesn't even make sense based on what's actually happening in Hammerfell at this time. I also note that her 'assassins' apparently have an honor code which left one of their own in prison. They certainly don't act like assassins to me.
In the past I saved her. This play through, I saw through her lying and sneaking and gave her to them, no questions asked. I regret nothing.
Me too I find the Merc's story much more believeable than Saadia's. So this playthrough I turned her in. Now I don't like to go back to the Bannered Mare because I miss her and her "Yes, Mom" when Hulda reminds her to wake up. I'm surprised Hulda never mentions her being gone, they seemed to have a good rapport.