This really is my own fault, for I have trouble getting hot keys to work right, but I kind of laugh every time my character is in a fight. Imagine, if you will...
Your prey is up ahead. A bandit camp that the Jarl has wanted taken care of. You head on into camp and they do not take kindly to your presence there. Soon, you are in the thick of the fighting. You see that you are injured, so...
Character: "TIME OUT!"
Bandits: "what... the..."
Character: "Time out! I need to drink a potion!"
Bandits: "..."
Character: "Yes. Thanks!"
If I can, I will use Restoration, instead of potions, for this very reason. It feels more natural as time does not stop as I heal myself up.
The other instance is changing gear/weapons during combat. "Time Out!" is called again while you shoulder your bow and ease your sword/axe/mace into your hand(s). Bandits are frozen in mid power-attack.
I realize if I could get the hang of hot keys, this would not be such an issue. It just gets me smiling when I do this