I'd buy them, they'd be worth the money again

Its not like our civilization doesn't replace stuff anyway, like dvd players, betamax to how many VHS video players, TV to HD to 3DTV, stereos to surround etc etc etc just count how many times you've replaced other stuff in your entire life, what about games consoles, Atari to commodore to PS1 to PS2 to PS3, Xbox to 360 , PC to better PC etc etc etc, of course you'd buy them

We as a race constantly replace and upgrade, from walkman to MP3 to Ipods.
You know you're lying

So lets say they do remake them and lots of people are playing the remakes and talking about them and arguing about and debating them, you mean your gonna just chip in and say I'm not buying them, excluding yourselves from the chat about the remakes come on! who are you kidding? You're just completing isolating yourselves.
Maybe they should create a little forum for the Elites where you can talk amongst yourselves about how great they are for not buying them or experiencing them or talking about the remakes, I can imagine it now, yeah maybe you can say things like, Huh I didn't buy it, did you NO! Yeah we're great we didn't buy them! Yeah. Some forum that would be lol. I spoke to someone a while ago about BoS he stated he had bought the game to complete his collection but would never play it cause it was crap! Can't remember who it was many moons ago. So you honesty think you're gonna exclude yourself? Sure you're not gonna buy them

They'll never remake them in the style of Fallout 3, would take to much effort and money. but I'd love to see them remade just to see who actually excludes themselves

Have you ever heard the tale about The Dog & the Manger? Its on Wiki, go aquaint yourselves with it, humour me

I had better edit this to explain waht I mean exactly, some people miss the meanings of the things I say. By voting in the negative hinders the beginning of such a remake from even taking place and spoils it for those who wish to have them remade.

I've seen this before in a vote a while back, rather than actually let a competition suggestion reach perhaps what could have been a perk for a Fallout game, the Elites came out and voted no against the suggestion of a competition, this kind of attitude baffles me, why hinder something just because you don't like it, there would have been plenty of other people that would have enjoyed such a competition, it would have been fun but no lets all just say no to that idea. Go on take a chance, you may actually enjoy the game if it was remade, go on I dare you to buy it if they remake them

I am actually curious to know as well if they could accomplish the task (no small feat) for a handheld ISO 3D remake FO 1&2 would you refuse to buy it as well?? Gonna be interesting to see how many positive replies there are, go on Dogs, positive waves, its a mother beautiful bridge