I guarantee you there will be over 100 mods released the same day as the Creation Kit, but things will play out like this:
None of the mods released in the first few days will be worth downloading - they'll be things like "Teh Sword of Uberness," where people look for the coolest or most unique items in the game, duplicate them with ridiculous overpowered stats, and stuff them in a crate in your starting area. A day or two later, you'll start seeing basic housemods, and by the end of the week maybe one or two of those will actually be worth your time. Really good mods probably won't crop up until about a month in, when people begin to get over their excitement for the new shinies and add whatever they feel is truly missing from the game. I'm not certain when "unofficial patches" and the ever-present nvde mods will appear, but consider that Skyrim is coming out on the early edge of "Holiday Season 2011," I doubt there'll be much to look forward to until things quiet down after the new year and people start filling the cold winter months with digital brainfruit.
You'll get the occasional quest marker or nearby enemy marker remover in the first month, but anything else useful you'll probably have to wait a little longer for. And don't start expecting big overhauls or large quest mods until at least around Christmas, and into the beginning of next year.