I am going to make a leather armoed, cloth headed, poison using, thieving, katana wielding, Bomb placing, master of stealth NINJA!!!
This is going to be a hot mess LoL. I will use bows or fire for ranged since ninja's use them (in any anime with fantasy aspects, ninja's use missile that do big explosions or literally use fire magic).
I will never facetank anything. I will focus on mobility and deception.
I will set rune traps for every engagement with more then 1 person. I will enchant paralysis on EVERYTHING. I will wear a bad ass redguard turben to look all leet and [censored]. I will wield that broken daedra sword of betrayal because it looks sixy. People will have to die but the code of the ninja is....
One must have no connections to be a true warrior. Kill your friends to prove it.
This is gonna be gangsta.
Oh and I will only use whirwind shout for the [censored] ninjalike mobility and super charged ninja strikes that crit for 6x normal damage ouch!