The other was a mod to speed up inventory screens through storage bags. I just had a question that wasn't in the [REL] topics for the ones I found. Do any of them allow you to hotkey items within the bags? Like hotkeying a healing potion that's within a potion bag? It would also be good if a scroll bag would also show the scrolls in the Spells tab.
If there are any others you like for time saving, post 'em too!
I love QZ Easy Menus for being able to close the loot/container/store and dialogues with the Activate button, as well as pressing left to "Take All". I think a "Put All" button would be useful sometimes.
I also use Bag of Alchemy Rewrite to sort ingredients and keep them out of my inventory loads.
Same with Keychain
And of course Progress & nGCD for not fretting over the levelling system.