Speculation speculation oh the speculation. So having put in now 300+ hours and completely finishing every side quest, quest and buffing out all settlements now the questions is this -
2 years from now, will FO4 with all the DLC and mods give the same refreshing "new" experience that I believe FO3 & FNV experienced? Will it take this much time or be shorter? I remember playing FNV and not liking it but after I modded it a couple years later, it was a completely exciting new experience that made me totally immersed into a game I thought I would never play again. I would even say Skyrim has another feel of "newness" to it with all sorts of mods for additional quests, new creatures, hardcoe mode, etc...
I ask this because I am very tempted to walkaway from FO4 and revisit it once all the DLC is out and the mods are flowing, starting the game completely from beginning so as to have the same AWESOME new feeling as the previous stated.