timed chair transport

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:07 am

i want to make a chair that when activated it teleports you, but i want the animation of you sitting first included. ive been trying to use a timer but it doesnt work and now whenever i enter the room the game crashes?

heres the code i have so far
scriptName 11BLTESTtimerchairshort OnActivatefloat timerbegin gameMode	if OnActivate		activate     ;to get the animation of sitting down			set timer to 5		endif					if ( timer > 0 )		set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed	else		MessageBox "Time to Teleport!" "Ok"  ;this isnt what itll really say		player.movetomarker 11BLtombtrans	endifendif	End

help please lol
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:10 am

Well, for starters, there is no such function as 'If Onactivate'. And I am pretty sure trying to make a variable name that is the same as a block command will cause problems.
The next biggest problem is you started a 'reference id name' with a numeric character. That will never work. '11BLtombtrans' is what I am referring to. You should get into the habit of never using a numeric as a first character in any new objects you create or use.

scriptName 11BLTESTtimerchairshort myStatfloat timerbegin onactivate	activate     ;to get the animation of sitting down	set timer to 5	set myStat to 1endbegin GameMode	if myStat == 1		if ( timer > 0 )			set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed		else			MessageBox "Time to Teleport!" "Ok"  ;this isnt what itll really say			player.movetomarker 11BLtombtrans		endif	endif	End

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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:37 pm

scriptName 11BLTESTtimerchairshort myStatfloat timerbegin onactivate	activate     ;to get the animation of sitting down	set timer to 5	set myStat to 1end

Willie - quick question wont the activate also act as a return keeping timer and Mystat from getting set ??
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:12 am

thanks that works now, but everytime i enter the room it just loads me back to the marker automatically and i cant figure a way around it.

also i dont mean to be annoying but you said about starting references with numbers, would BL11 be alright for naming references?
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:58 am

Willie - quick question wont the activate also act as a return keeping timer and Mystat from getting set ??

I don't know, the WIKI is not clear on the subject. Testing would determine for sure. My initial guess is that it should work fine. The 'player.MoveTo' will terminate the script though.

thanks that works now, but everytime i enter the room it just loads me back to the marker automatically and i cant figure a way around it.

also i dont mean to be annoying but you said about starting references with numbers, would BL11 be alright for naming references?

You need to tell the script to stop running. I missed that part.

begin GameMode	if myStat == 1		if ( timer > 0 )			set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed		else			set myStat to 3			MessageBox "Time to Teleport!" "Ok"  ;this isnt what itll really say			player.movetomarker 11BLtombtrans		endif	endif	End

Any Alphabetic character will work. Just don't use a numeric because the script will interpret it as a 'form ID' when its compiled and it will not work.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:00 am

alright that worked, thanks so much for the help!
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:40 am

I don't know, the WIKI is not clear on the subject. Testing would determine for sure. My initial guess is that it should work fine. The 'player.MoveTo' will terminate the script though.

OK - was just wondering as I've always made sure to set the variables before activating just in case

begin onactivate	set timer to 5	set myStat to 1        activate     ;to get the animation of sitting down	end

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:23 am

OK - was just wondering as I've always made sure to set the variables before activating just in case

That is how I code it as well. It just makes more sense. ;)
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meg knight
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:13 am

Willie - quick question wont the activate also act as a return keeping timer and Mystat from getting set ??

No, activate doesnt act as a return :) ... cause remember it is often used in gamemode block with no problem.
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