Name: Fafnid the Wiser
Age: 56
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Even old age cannot diminish this man's grand stature as he still stands at six and a half feet tall. His body has begun to diminish however as his battle toned muscles are beginning to give way to a layer of wrinkly, flabby skin that perhaps comes from excessive mead drinking or lack of proper exercise anymore. His great black and grey beard makes up for this though as it reaches his stomach and is neatly groomed and clean. His beard matches his long, salt and pepper hair both in color, length and how well he tends to it, almost as if he is holding on to his last piece of youth. His skin is rough, tanned and "etched with experience" and his eyes are a dull green, and the left one is partially closed and has a thin scar running just below it.
Weapon(s): As a rich nobleman, his main weapon is a finely crafted, personally fitted steel blade. the blade itself is about two and a half feet long, double-edged and is a rather wide blade. The handle is made of fine wood, reinforced with metal strips and the pommel is carved with images of an eagle, a bear and a wolf.
Armor: A chainmail hauberk that falls to just past his knee's. His shins are protected by steel-plate greaves and his large feet wear thick bear hide boots. The hauberk extends over his shoulders, past his elbows where small slits have been cut to allow mobility and up to his wrists. His hands usually have hard leather gloves protecting them. His entire torso is also protected by a dark, leather and iron cuirass that straps over his shoulders and is "carved" with images of war, gods and of course, mead. Under all of this, he usually wears a layer of light, padded cloth.
History: Fafnir lived an unexciting life up until around the time the Empire invaded Hammerfell in the beginning of the fourth era. He had however been a prominent general before that as he led the defence against the Daedra when they invaded as well. As crops began failing in Skyrim, he knew his people were in for a harsh time, and so with the support of a group of elders, he convinced a good portion of his people to pack up and to head out in search of new lands. His ideal destination was Colovia because it was wide open, rich land and the Empire was in little position to hold his people back. There were many who opted to not go right away and so Fafnir and his group are considered a "forward" migration group who is supposed to send for the remaining people if they manage to find good land to settle his people in. Moving an army was difficult enough when he had fought the DAedra. Moving a column of children, women, sick, elderly, infirm and maintaining an armed guard for the caravan was a logistical nightmare that he soon had to live through. hunting parties rarely came back with sufficient food for their families alone, much less for other families without hunters and when they reached the mountains proper, their were no villages to buy grain from. Now, though the travel has been difficult, he see's opportunity on the horizon as Colovia is basically open towards him and his people with the only obstacle seeming to be Anvil, though with trouble seeming to be brewing to Anvil's north, he see's a chance to make the colovian highlands his new home.
Secondary Characters:
Herrold the Wise (Nord, Male, 80) - The extremely old, wise (but not as wise as his son apparently) father of Fafnir. He is one of the two hundred "elders" who are "spiritually and technically" in charge of the migration of the Nordic people though the leadership role has been passed own to his son as he is "younger and more energetic". Herrold is an exact replica of his son, but with a pure grey beard and hair and much wrinklier skin. He is just as tall but twice as skinny and seems very frail. He is a prominent leader amongst the elders and has great power within the tribe but he is righteous and not corrupt... for the most part. He was once a great general himself and is constantly elected by the elders as one of twelve yearly "Elder Generals" who "assist" the regular generals with decision making, ect.
Asolf Wolf-Jaw (Nord, Male, 46) - The second of four "men in charge", he has neither the height or the weight of Fafnir. He stands barely at six feet and though he is well muscled, he is more lithe than one would expect from a Nord. His name comes from the fact that the bottom row of his teeth are unnaturally sharp and pointy looking, as well as that when he was younger he got to close to a pet dog that wasn't so tame. The scar runs from his left ear to his chin along the jawline. He is completely blad by choice as he shaves his head once a month to keep it short and he has a thick, black mustache that curls around to fall to teh corners of his mouth. He is considered more of the "people's" general because instead of forming armed gaurds to protect the migrants, he takes charge of food distribution and what not. In battle he wears a waist length chainmail cuirass and steel greaves. Elsewhere it is just heavy furs or light cloth depending on the climate.
In battle he is appointed to lead the Citizen Infantry and the Irregulars.
Granis the Bloody (male, Nord, 42) - Though not considered a General, he is Fafnir's oldest friend and one of his elite bodyguard. Though smaller than Fafnir at 6'3" he is without a doubt more muscular and an even deadlier warrior than his General. His face is suprisingly without hair, but the shoulder length, thick blond hair more than makes up for it. The sides are braided and if one looks closely, he will see the braids are made from carved bones of animals. His eyes are a shocking bright blue and he really looks like he is twenty something and not forty-two with his slightly tan, un-blemished complexion. He does have a few small scars; one above his left eyebrow, one next to his lip and one from the right ear to the nose, which also explains that his nose is slightly crooked and large. In battle he wears the outfit of the Noble Cavalry, with the chainmail hauberk and steel chestplate and fights with sarissa and sword with deadly proficiency.
In battle he rides with how ever many Noble Cavalry Fafnir has on the day with him and takes charge of the unit if Fafnir is away from them.
Man, those Tylenol 3's are excellent

Here is my sheet, plus side characters because I don't think a sheet for each is necessary as I dislike the character sheets as much as you guys. Me and heldwyn are just working some things out and then I can make a post.