As I said before, I would also be interesting in participating. If, that is, Immortal allows it :unsure:
CI sounds cool to run, and since I'd be joining in the beginning, I could actually take a decent part in it.
That said... I could be Telvanni, but I'd rather be in one of the Third Factions, namely Ashlanders, Cammona Tong, Nordic Raiders, or either of the assassin guilds.
Son, I is dissapoint. Everyone loves Dunmer.
I is disappoint as well, the Dunmer are probably the most interesting and fleshed out of the Tes cultures. Go read the Sermons, for crying out loud

That said, I think I would enjoy a position in Hlaalu, if I am participating. I've never been much for warriors, but Hlaalu has always intrigued me; Telvanni would be fine as well, if we are in shortage of crazy mages. A secondary character would also be nice, perhaps Dark Brotherhood or another minor faction. I probably won't have time for more than two though, so I'll stop myself there

I think we should have Factions Aligned with Factions. Problem is, figuring out which. Since Hlaalu is the wealthiest house and legally in control of Vvardenfel in the eyes of the empire, the legion is aligned with them. But then, so are alot of other factions.
I think alliances should be decided by the faction's leader, but with some basis in lore. For example, the Nords and Temple would never become allies, nor would the Telvanni and Imperials. Add in some political machinations and whatnot.
But yes, this does sound exciting, count me in