IB Timeline Discussion thread #4

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:42 am

Alright, now that I know the simplicity of our situation, I think I'm back on track. Time to find some elves and begin the mindless slaughter.

I'm actually posting right now.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a jerk, but I just got done with a week's worth of math homework, due tonight, and my nerves are a little raw.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:39 pm

I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a jerk, but I just got done with a week's worth of math homework, due tonight, and my nerves are a little raw.

And I just did a damn project, and it got swiped and deleted within one second.

Verlox, we have advanced a day or so. It hasn't been official, but we have gone a day. IB is attacking the fort with his army. But is your whole army there to defend it? No.

IB's commander knows 25,000 Raga are coming to back her up within the next few days. Anvil has raised its army because it knows its getting screwed. Real nations raise large armies to defend themselves. During several wars in England, most armies were 8-20k.

Guess what. This isn't England. This is the Kingdom of Sentinel, consisting of most of Hammerfell. And if I recall correctly, most feudal nobles who warred with each other didn't rule over entire regions/kingdoms which consisted of several major cities (like 7 or 8), one of which was one of the largest port cities in the world.

In our world, London wasn't a huge huge port center compared to those at the top of the list throughout the world. Big port centers = Carthage, Rome, Constantinople/ Istanbul/ Byzantium, Alexandria, etc.

Top cities in TES: Imperial City, Sentinel, Senchal, Alinor, Wayrest, Daggerfall, Vivec, Mournhold. (at least in my opinion).

This is Sentinel here. I think Sentinel could have 25,000 men to send, but that's my opinion. Take it or leave it.

Argument done. If I sounded like a smart-ass, I didn't intend to.

Anyhow, I strongly suggest you make a map.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:19 pm

Edit: Naturally, Blademaster is the more level-headed of us two. I withdraw my comment.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:03 am

OK, everyone easy now. I'm gonna post for this little skirmish once I finish procrastinating on my studying. Hopefully, we can get this thang back on track?

EDIT: Also, I'm gonna have heldwyn's guy knocked out. Nothing big or lasting but enough so he won't join in this fight. Anyone disagree with this?
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Mel E
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:57 am

3) PM each other. If you are stuck or confused, PM the person you are RPing with. Hell, Squid, Tan, and I have about 15 pages worth of PM messages, if not more, and Tan and I have a few msn conversations on our belts.

I currently have 19 pages with you and 4 with Tanvar. I estimate that about ten of them with you and two with Tan involve the RP, whereas the rest are sort of off-topic.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:23 pm

I really think that you are all overthinking it. That's just my point on it, feel free to flame. The fact that we are sitting here, arguing about the amount of food a person eats or how fast someone walks, makes it to where we can't even focus on the important stuff. And all of that menial crap is NOT IMPORTANT.

I will admit that the planning and talking, red tape and beaurocracy which has been heavily prominent in the timeline since Highrock has put me off making a large force or heavily involved character. I prefered the idea behind circlet of fire or ring of fire or whatever it was called, set in morrowind, the Oblivion crisis a catalyst to interhouse power plays -- the covert back stabbing and underhandedness was fun to both write about and react to, but with constant planning and conversation and logistics just takes the mystery, the what if, the unknown away. Some times its needed but only when something large is going to happen, for example, when I first joined SoS I set fire to an entire forrest to contain a very small Ra Gadan force, not exactly the best RP move I've made, due in no small part that I was confused about how many numbers there where, I thought i was drastically out numbered by Ra Gagadan forces when infact it was the complete reverse. But I discussed this tactic with Immortal before hand, and told those present in the area that something big and perhaps controversial was about to happen. Every one was cool with it and it ended up playing out into a really detailed and fun and intense battle scene.

For me, thats the exact kind of interaction this kind of RP needs, not on a person to person basis, on a character to character basis. Too much competition ruins it for me, I'd rather march into a battle field with my character brim full of confidence with tactics built solely on what i think will transpire, then be totally taken by suprise and have to really fight for survival. I'd rather walk away from a battle with a rag tag band of survivors looking to rebuild their forces after a crushing defeat than an outright pre-arranged win or loss.

The unexpected makes it more interesting, planning it all out makes it feel like oblivion -- which i've played through so many times that i cant stand to touch it because i know exactly whats going to happen next.

Now I've offered to jump in and take over where others seem to have left off to get this RP more active but my suggestions have either been over looked or shunned, if I get back into it at any point I will not be discussing any plans for a battle. Just point me in the right direction and I'll write, I'm a fair RPer, i'd rather react to what the person writes than what i'm told is going to happen -- many a times i've crippled, maimed or messed with my characters in many ways just to have something more diverse and interesting to develop. If not, fair one, I'll just sit back and observe again.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:46 am

Well, wherever this is going, I'm going with it, as always. I'm always up to keep things running. xD
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:49 am

I don't know where Darkom is. I think he still checks the forum and the roleplay.

My large problem isn't really the lack of inspiration, it's a speed issue. In other words, I can't move Ruhk and the Raga army along to the siege, while Lucretia and company are far ahead of them. Thus, I'm stuck waiting for you two to get done, but the posting is taking forever (notably on Verlox's part, as he did admit it) and I don't know what is going on.

The posts at the siege are confusing. I don't know where anyone's troops are, or anything for that matter, and thus I am still undecided on the subject of having Sobotai and Dikembe (Raga officers sent ahead) arrive at the scene because I don't know what it looks like, and I don't want to place your troops in a certain place, IB, when they are yours and it is your choice where to put them. My point is, I am stuck with the Raga until all of this siege crap gets sorted out.

Solution to the problem:

1) If Verlox can't continue, let Solidor do it. He's shown he's capable and he was in SoS with the Crusaders. That could actually lead to a sequel Crusader plot as well...anyhow, it solves the activity issue.

2) Get a map of the battle area consisting of the fort, its parts, and the locations of the troops. We've had one for nearly every battle, or at least all of the ones I've seen in my time in the timeline. It helps all of this confusion to be sorted out.

3) PM each other. If you are stuck or confused, PM the person you are RPing with. Hell, Squid, Tan, and I have about 15 pages worth of PM messages, if not more, and Tan and I have a few msn conversations on our belts.

4) If your character isn't involved, don't complain. Get him involved. Make him go somewhere where someone else is, or something. It has been done.

There. That's my suggestions/opinion. Take it or leave it.

I'm considering reseting the RP and "starting over" tbh.

On the subject of the Ottomans: First, what year/s was it? How far did they march in a single day? How did the get food? Did take it from the land? Did they bring some with them and have supply lines stretching back to Anatolia? Was the 120,000 man army moving in one giant mass? How did they deal with disease, or exhaustion on the march? Were forced marches common? Did they use ships?

All of those are really important questions. When it comes to leading an armed force, logistics is the most important thing a person should know, and I feel that that is just handwaved in this rp. We haven't even advanced half-a-day rp time, and we're expected to already be killing each other? It's 100 miles from the Brena River to Anvil. If an army moves at 15 miles a day (which is really, really fast for one. Prince Edward, with about 7000 soldiers, pushed his army to the bone trying to attack Bran (Simon) de Montfort at his father's castle. He also did that through the night, and just barely made it to make a sneak attack on his counsin. 7000 people, took a whole night to march about 14 miles at a brutal pace), it would take several days, with tired as heck armies, for one of us to force a battle.

Which is another thing. Why do we have to have pitched battles? Only an idiotic commander would risk everything in one throw of the dice unless his army was significantly larger, or he was forced into it by his opponent, like Barnet Heath or Tewkesbury.

Realistcally (though I blame the setting for this), there would be a lot more sieges, castles would be dotted all over the place, and small skirmishes would be the norm.

Edit: I would love to continue, but the logistics need to be respected if we're marching people about. And my biggest issue: What is the ambush you're talking about IB? The dudes in the middle of the road? My dudes?

The Battle of Vaslui between Saint Stefan the Great vs Hadan Suleiman Pasha. He brought over 40,000 troops as Voievode of Moldova vs the Ottoman Empire's army consisting over 100,000 troops and this was referred to by the Ottomans themselves as "the single greatest defeat ever suffered by the banners of Mohamed."

When Mehmed II fought Vlad the Impaler, Mehmed brought as few as 150,000 soldiers or as many as 300,000. All of these battles were in the 1400s.

As for how the armies are marching in the RP, it's been rushed because nothing was happening. It was "wait for this or so subplot to allow for time for the armies to move" and nothing was happening so I just said to everyone "let's just get the armies in place" hoping that would kick start the battles.

That's why I suggested we just cut out all the marching, all the politicking, all the mini-adventures, kidnappings, ect ect (things that take time), and just make this entirely about the battle aspect. Something that wouldn't take a great deal of time, we could all be involved at once, yadda yadda. The problem there is that it cuts out pretty much any semblance of a story. And the story, the politicking, kidnappings, ect ect are fun. They just need time. And inspiration, which is hard when you're combatting a crap-ton of math.


I will admit that the planning and talking, red tape and beaurocracy which has been heavily prominent in the timeline since Highrock has put me off making a large force or heavily involved character. I prefered the idea behind circlet of fire or ring of fire or whatever it was called, set in morrowind, the Oblivion crisis a catalyst to interhouse power plays -- the covert back stabbing and underhandedness was fun to both write about and react to, but with constant planning and conversation and logistics just takes the mystery, the what if, the unknown away. Some times its needed but only when something large is going to happen, for example, when I first joined SoS I set fire to an entire forrest to contain a very small Ra Gadan force, not exactly the best RP move I've made, due in no small part that I was confused about how many numbers there where, I thought i was drastically out numbered by Ra Gagadan forces when infact it was the complete reverse. But I discussed this tactic with Immortal before hand, and told those present in the area that something big and perhaps controversial was about to happen. Every one was cool with it and it ended up playing out into a really detailed and fun and intense battle scene.

For me, thats the exact kind of interaction this kind of RP needs, not on a person to person basis, on a character to character basis. Too much competition ruins it for me, I'd rather march into a battle field with my character brim full of confidence with tactics built solely on what i think will transpire, then be totally taken by suprise and have to really fight for survival. I'd rather walk away from a battle with a rag tag band of survivors looking to rebuild their forces after a crushing defeat than an outright pre-arranged win or loss.

The unexpected makes it more interesting, planning it all out makes it feel like oblivion -- which i've played through so many times that i cant stand to touch it because i know exactly whats going to happen next.

Now I've offered to jump in and take over where others seem to have left off to get this RP more active but my suggestions have either been over looked or shunned, if I get back into it at any point I will not be discussing any plans for a battle. Just point me in the right direction and I'll write, I'm a fair RPer, i'd rather react to what the person writes than what i'm told is going to happen -- many a times i've crippled, maimed or messed with my characters in many ways just to have something more diverse and interesting to develop. If not, fair one, I'll just sit back and observe again.

This is good to hear and I agree with this as well. Since story hasn't been around I think you'd be good to lead the Redguards. I think perhaps we should just do a reset of the RP, have the Inn sub plot or however you want to refer it having happened "prior to the RP" and we can just have more of a focus on the tactics of the battle itself.

Reading this also makes me consider re-starting Circlet Ignited. Until some people turned it to crap it was going really well. I have to admit circlet ignited has always been my best RP that i've created. Most effort etc.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:16 am

I'm with you. If you want to restart and have the inn subplot a few days before with Swims, Alaudis, and Arethan all together, that's cool with me. If you want to restart, I'll still play my Raga boys and play it out with Solidor if you want on the Raga side. Just, if you restart, go ahead and do it. Don't wait another week. Go ahead and get us rolling. That's my two cents.

Also: There were 700,000 men, 100,000 of which were mailed knights, who participated in the First Crusade on the Christian side. Most of these men came from France. By the time they got to Jerusalem after taking Antioch, they had 1/4th their original numbers.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:50 pm

This is good to hear and I agree with this as well. Since story hasn't been around I think you'd be good to lead the Redguards. I think perhaps we should just do a reset of the RP, have the Inn sub plot or however you want to refer it having happened "prior to the RP" and we can just have more of a focus on the tactics of the battle itself.

Reading this also makes me consider re-starting Circlet Ignited. Until some people turned it to crap it was going really well. I have to admit circlet ignited has always been my best RP that i've created. Most effort etc.

I'd absolutely love another shot at Circlet Ignited, I enjoyed that RP so much that I kept my character sheets from it just incase it was re-made.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:37 am

I agree, Circlet Ignited again would be great. Something in Morrowind would be really fun, not least because the Timeline has been focused exclusively on the west of Tamriel. It was fun while it lasted, even if I wasn't that involved.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:38 pm

My issue with re-doing CI would be that other people who put effort in this RP will feel disinfranginzed with all the changes. CI isn't at all that much of a military RP which is sort of what we were going for. I wouldn't mind doing this, reset, and then doing CI...but I agree with wooly that should happen NOW. So I propose that i make a post sumerizing what will be and what will not be, place the Redguard armies closer in the interior of the land, not on a boat, and we can start directly there with the door open and one foot passing through.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:19 pm

Just as a heads up, with a restart coming, I'm not particularly interested in leading the Nords anymore. Just letting you know that the spots open IB.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:02 am

So, this is an official restart? Inn plot has already happened, and everyone else is in the same place unless they say otherwise?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:51 am

I've not been around for very long, so I could not tell you what CI is, though it sounds like it is based upon having one character, and adventure-esque adventures? Sounds fine with me, if you care for my opinion.

And I think that a restart would be very good, as everyone could get a new fresh feeling on everything.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:11 pm

I've not been around for very long, so I could not tell you what CI is, though it sounds like it is based upon having one character, and adventure-esque adventures?

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Kit Marsden
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:25 am

So, this is an official restart? Inn plot has already happened, and everyone else is in the same place unless they say otherwise?

I think this is what it will be. I'm also just going to do away with Nords and Altmer as it distracts from the main story.


Damn. That is the one OP i've made for an RP which I feel no arrogance in saying that's a damn good RP. My only criticism looking back is perhaps too many factions, and the character sheet.

What annoyed me with that RP is that people took the Daedric Invasion as the plot of the story line. And everyone suddenly wanted to have some LOTR-esque, Oblivion quest for closing gates...which everyone says they hated doing in the game. People needed to understand that the Invasion wasn't the plot, but the setting. The plot is "how do we get through this crappy situation with me ending up with the most toys at the end."
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:17 am

I think this is what it will be. I'm also just going to do away with Nords and Altmer as it distracts from the main story.

Who is leading the Raga?

Just give us the go for the restart and repost the thread with the modifications. I assume the armies will be kept the same?


If you want, I'll do it at least until Story gets back. He might get his PC issues fixed soon. PFA can jump on board if he wants as well.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:30 am

I'd be fine with going back to Circlet Ignited, but I'm also good with a reset of this.
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Nicole M
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:28 pm

I think this is what it will be. I'm also just going to do away with Nords and Altmer as it distracts from the main story.

Damn. That is the one OP i've made for an RP which I feel no arrogance in saying that's a damn good RP. My only criticism looking back is perhaps too many factions, and the character sheet.

What annoyed me with that RP is that people took the Daedric Invasion as the plot of the story line. And everyone suddenly wanted to have some LOTR-esque, Oblivion quest for closing gates...which everyone says they hated doing in the game. People needed to understand that the Invasion wasn't the plot, but the setting. The plot is "how do we get through this crappy situation with me ending up with the most toys at the end."

One problem was too many factions yes. I loved leading the Hlaalu, on one hand I had Dren trying to avoid a crisis and keep peace between the houses, while on the other I had Sadie going behind her leaders back to strengthen the hold Hlaalu has on Vvardenfel. Very fun to write, I really really enjoyed it. But thats what Hlaalu do, they charm persuade bribe back stabe and undermine. I played my house to its strength as did every body else. The downside of this is, because people took their houses culture so seriously we ended up with a bunch of peolpe Solo RPing Telvannii in their mushroom towers away from civilisation and social interaction -- then we had a bunch of people RPing Redoran fighting noble battles and driving off the Daedra (which I believe is an appropriate response for the Redoran) but it just undermined the interhouse usurpery going on, nobody seemed to bat an eyelash at the fact that I had taken one of their mines or egg farms.

What I'd like to see if it where re-made is a map with all the mines/farms and other land owned by the three houses marked out, then different trade routes marked out around the island and neutral ground and empty/dead mines marked out. As things go along oblivion gates appear in different locations and we have to either find new trade routes, abandon existing mines or if the danger is great enough -- do our best to drive the menace out.

But this time around -- no dark brotherhood, no morag tong, no ashland tribes and definately no nords. I dont think any of these should have a dedicated faction at all, and should only be involved in the story if a house decides to use them to further their goals (for example, morag tong are only involved in the plot if a Redoran hires one to kill a Hlaalu, nords are only involved if Hlaalu hire mercenaries to put pressure on redoran borders etc). Individual characters belonging to these external factions would be ok if they where aligned with a great house (for example, Serosi being a member of the tong but is aligned to house dres) it just stops things becoming split and disjointed.

Also should put on a limit of what resources different factions can use depending on the amount of traderoutes/mines they own. Hlaalu is the richest house by far, they would have far more resources -- this might allow them to hire large groups of mercenaries to guard their interests or patrol their lands, while the Redoran being less well off might only be able to hire a small band of mercenaries to work along side their own men and women. This would obviously fluctuate depending on what areas you own.

Could be like a point system, every one starts with a base (Hlaalu 7, Telvanni 6, Redoran 5/4) amount depending on wealth, then we add a point for every mine they are in control of. Then we have a table with what resources are available in what points range. Would actually give people an incentive to work on taking the mines and would definately stop people pulling strange stunts out of their asses.

Would also be a good idea to number the amount of Imperial forces and freelance forces -- so things like mercenaries would be a blessing and a rarity.

I'll stop ranting now.

Who is leading the Raga?

If it restarts I'll be leading the Raga. Im on a raga trip.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:55 pm

I'll have to buy a new hard drive for my laptop apparently. My pc issues shall not be fixed soon. I wish they could be.

I think Solidor's idea for Circlet ignited is great. My only reccomendation would be to do away with oblivion gates entirely, far too large of a distraction even though a very dramatic backdrop, a bit too dramatic to ignore for the sake of the feeling you want to capture Immortal.

If this roleplay is restarted, Pm anytime today or tomorrow Solidor, it'd be great having you on the Ra Gada side of things, I appreciate your writing and ideas.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:15 am


I know nothing of Dunmer, Morrowind, the Three Houses, nothing. Nothing at all. I've played Morrowind to the extent of creating a character. I couldn't deal with the graphics or the cruelty in which the Argonians were treated.

Nevertheless, if my incompetence would be dealt with, and my ignorance of Morrowind lore is acknowledged, then it would be okay.

IMHO, I think that we need to do something else entirely. If people are finding this hard to post in, then there's no reason we need to push the envelope. We need to create an environment in which people are completely comfortable in, and I'm just not seeing it.

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Cagla Cali
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:12 am


I know nothing of Dunmer, Morrowind, the Three Houses, nothing. Nothing at all. I've played Morrowind to the extent of creating a character. I couldn't deal with the graphics or the cruelty in which the Argonians were treated.

Nevertheless, if my incompetence would be dealt with, and my ignorance of Morrowind lore is acknowledged, then it would be okay.

IMHO, I think that we need to do something else entirely. If people are finding this hard to post in, then there's no reason we need to push the envelope. We need to create an environment in which people are completely comfortable in, and I'm just not seeing it.


I played morrowind for all of 20 minutes before getting sick of the combat system and the fact that my laptop only ran it in windowed mode, I tried to go back and play it again but I lost the disk. Everything i know of morrowind (and everything in the world of TES) is through lore alone. All you need Morrowind the game for is to understand how the world looks and feels, which can be easily sustained through screenshots and concept art.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:28 am

Ok so the two factions will be the Redguards and the Anvil forces. We have a sure leader for the Anvil forces, Verlox, although I think he should use a helper.

And now who can be the main leader of the Redguards, or at least someone to hang around as main guy until Storyteller is back for sure?
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:49 pm

And now who can be the main leader of the Redguards, or at least someone to hang around as main guy until Storyteller is back for sure?

Solidor said he's up for it. I'm sure PFA might be on the squad, maybe. I'll help them out.

Don't forget EB. He is with the Raga.
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